Conversão de um motor de ciclo otto para uso de gás natural ou BIOGÁS
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Costa, Bruno Nunes da
Guardia, Luis Gustavo Palma
Guardia, Luis Gustavo Palma
Buscariolo, Filipe
Caly, José Pucci
Caly, José Pucci
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Os motores a combustão interna do ciclo Otto necessitam combustíveis fósseis para que seu funcionamento ocorra. Além de estes combustíveis serem muito poluentes e ajudam no aumento do efeito estufa, também são finitos e não-renováveis. Com a possibilidade de esses combustíveis deixarem de existir, é necessário que existam combustíveis alternativos que sejam renováveis e não poluam como os combustíveis fósseis. O biogás é uma das alternativas encontradas para solucionar este problema, pois é um combustível renovável e polui menos que os combustíveis advindos do petróleo, podendo ser extraído de matéria orgânica que geralmente não possui utilidade e é descartado. Os veículos podem ser modificados para utilizar Biogás e Gás Natural Veicular (GNV) como combustível a partir de uma conversão onde é instalado um kit-gás no veículo. O objetivo proposto nesse trabalho é coletar dados através de pesquisas e também por meio de um modelo matemático estimar como um motor a combustão interna do ciclo Otto se comporta com combustíveis alternativos como GNV e Biogás. A partir desses estudos, foi estimado e determinado o comportamento do veiculo utilizando Biogás e GNV, ilustrado através de gráficos das principais grandezas de um motor
The Otto cycle internal combustion engines mostly need fossil fuel to operate. These types of fuel are extremely pollutant since they aggravate the greenhouse effect and they are also finite and non-renewable. Considering the possibility of expending all fossil fuel reserves, it is necessary to have alternative fuels that are both renewable and don’t pollute as the current fossil fuels. The Biogas is one of the alternatives to solve this problem, since it is a renewable fuel and pollutes less than petrol based fuels and the Biogas can be generated from the decomposition of organic matter which would be discarded. Vehicles can be adapted to use Biogas and Natural Gas as fuel, with one conversion step which is the installation of a kit-gas in the vehicle. The objective proposed in this study is to collect data from researches and also draw a mathematic model estimate how an Otto cycle internal combustion engine will operate by using alternative fuels such as Natural Gas and Biogas. This research estimated how the proposed engine operates with Biogas and Natural Gas by presenting comparative graphs of the main quantities of an internal combustion engine.
The Otto cycle internal combustion engines mostly need fossil fuel to operate. These types of fuel are extremely pollutant since they aggravate the greenhouse effect and they are also finite and non-renewable. Considering the possibility of expending all fossil fuel reserves, it is necessary to have alternative fuels that are both renewable and don’t pollute as the current fossil fuels. The Biogas is one of the alternatives to solve this problem, since it is a renewable fuel and pollutes less than petrol based fuels and the Biogas can be generated from the decomposition of organic matter which would be discarded. Vehicles can be adapted to use Biogas and Natural Gas as fuel, with one conversion step which is the installation of a kit-gas in the vehicle. The objective proposed in this study is to collect data from researches and also draw a mathematic model estimate how an Otto cycle internal combustion engine will operate by using alternative fuels such as Natural Gas and Biogas. This research estimated how the proposed engine operates with Biogas and Natural Gas by presenting comparative graphs of the main quantities of an internal combustion engine.
Biogás , GNV , ciclo Otto , otto cycle