Projeto mecânico de um tubo de choque de área transversal constante
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Correa, Gabriel da Silva
Lin, George
Azevedo, Pedro Paulo Pinto
Lin, George
Azevedo, Pedro Paulo Pinto
Minucci, Marco Antônio Sala
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Este trabalho visa desenvolver o projeto mecânico de um Tubo de Choque didático de área transversal circular constante, para posterior construção e instalação nas dependências da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. O Tubo de Choque é um equipamento que permite reproduzir, em condições controladas, ondas de choque nos gases. Visando obter escoamentos de velocidades super e hipersônicas de curta duração, tornando possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e de tecnologia aerodinâmica para velocidades superiores ao do som. O Tubo de Choque projetado tem como premissas a utilização de um DDS (Double Diaphragm System), o uso de Hélio no driver, Ar seco no driven e no DDS, e pressão máxima fixada no driver de 70 atm. Diante destas premissas foi determinado as principais variáveis que possibilitam o dimensionamento dos componentes do equipamento, como razão de pressão entre driver e driven, pressão dinâmica máxima, pressão do DDS, velocidade da onda de choque formada e refletida. Após o dimensionamento foram realizados os desenhos de fabricação de cada uma das peças seguido pela simulação do flange do driven, cotação dos materiais, instrumentos de medição e demais equipamentos complementares para o funcionamento do Tubo de Choque. Os resultados obtidos foram os desenhos de conjunto e de fabricação de cada peça, lista de materiais e equipamentos necessários para a fabricação tendo em vista que o projeto será executado pela Faculdade Presbiteriana Mackenzie nos próximo
This work aims to design of a didactic Shock Tube, of a constant circular cross-sectional area, for later construction and installation in the premises of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. The Shock Tube is a device that allows to reproduce, under controlled conditions, shock waves in the gases. Aiming to obtain flows of super and hypersonic velocities of short duration, making possible the development of aerodynamic studies and technology for speeds superior to that of sound. The projected shock tube is based on the use of DDS (Double Diaphragm System), helium in the driver, dry air in the driven and DDS, and fixed maximum pressure in the driver of 70 atm. Based on these assumptions, it was possible to stablish the main variables that enable the dimensioning of the equipment components, such as pressure differential between driver and driven, maximum dynamic pressure, DDS pressure, speed of the formed and reflected shock wave. After dimensioning, the manufacturing drawings of each of the parts were executed, followed by the quotation of materials, measuring instruments and other complementary equipment for the operation of the Shock Tube. The obtained results were the assembly and manufacturing drawings of each part, list of materials and equipment needed for manufacturing considering that the project will be carried out by the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in the next twelve months.
This work aims to design of a didactic Shock Tube, of a constant circular cross-sectional area, for later construction and installation in the premises of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. The Shock Tube is a device that allows to reproduce, under controlled conditions, shock waves in the gases. Aiming to obtain flows of super and hypersonic velocities of short duration, making possible the development of aerodynamic studies and technology for speeds superior to that of sound. The projected shock tube is based on the use of DDS (Double Diaphragm System), helium in the driver, dry air in the driven and DDS, and fixed maximum pressure in the driver of 70 atm. Based on these assumptions, it was possible to stablish the main variables that enable the dimensioning of the equipment components, such as pressure differential between driver and driven, maximum dynamic pressure, DDS pressure, speed of the formed and reflected shock wave. After dimensioning, the manufacturing drawings of each of the parts were executed, followed by the quotation of materials, measuring instruments and other complementary equipment for the operation of the Shock Tube. The obtained results were the assembly and manufacturing drawings of each part, list of materials and equipment needed for manufacturing considering that the project will be carried out by the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in the next twelve months.
tubo de choque , ondas de choque , escoamento compressível , shock tube , shock waves , compressible flow