Avaliação do desempenho de argamassas colantes com substituição de agregado míudo por borracha de pneus inservíveis
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Oliveira, Gustavo Santos
Peres, Renato Meneghetti
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Diversas ações voltadas a reciclagem de materiais vêm sendo desenvolvidas para mitigação dos impactos causados por uma sociedade cada vez mais urbana. Neste sentido, a utilização de resíduos de pneus surge como um desafio para toda cadeia, frente as legislações como a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Deste modo, associado ao processo de urbanização, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito da substituição de agregado miúdo por resíduos de pneu em argamassas colantes. A avaliação considerou os requisitos de norma e algumas propriedades de caracterização das argamassas. Foram avaliadas cinco composições de argamassa, sendo uma argamassa padrão, e as demais com substituição de 10, 20, 30 e 40%. As matérias primas foram misturadas manualmente no estado a seco, e sua adição com água seguiu os procedimentos normativos. A substituição por borracha provocou redução das propriedades mecânicas, da trabalhabilidade, da densidade e da massa específica, além do aumento na absorção de água e índice de vazios. A borracha presente nas argamassas colantes dificulta a passagem do ultrassom, sendo uma particularidade a ser estudada para aplicações de conforto acústico. Mesmo com a redução nas propriedades mecânicas, todas as argamassas estudadas se apresentaram em conformidade com a norma para argamassas colantes industrializadas.
Several actions aimed at recycling materials are being developed to mitigate the impacts caused by an increasingly urban society. In this sense, the use of waste tires appears as a challenge for the entire chain, in face of legislation such as the National Solid Waste Policy. Thus, associated with the urbanization process, this work aims to evaluate the effect of replacement of fine aggregate by tire residues in adhesive mortars. The evaluation considered the standard requirements and some characterization properties of adhesive mortars. Five mortar compositions were evaluated, one standard, and the others with replacement of 10, 20, 30 and 40%. The raw materials were mixed by hand in the dry state, and their addition with water followed the normative procedures. Replacement with rubber has reduced mechanical properties, workability, density and specific mass, as well as increased water absorption and voids content. The rubber present in the adhesive mortars makes it difficult to pass the ultrasound, being a particularity to be studied for acoustic comfort applications. Even with the reduction in mechanical properties, all studied adhesive mortars presented themselves in accordance with the standard for industrialized adhesive mortars.
Several actions aimed at recycling materials are being developed to mitigate the impacts caused by an increasingly urban society. In this sense, the use of waste tires appears as a challenge for the entire chain, in face of legislation such as the National Solid Waste Policy. Thus, associated with the urbanization process, this work aims to evaluate the effect of replacement of fine aggregate by tire residues in adhesive mortars. The evaluation considered the standard requirements and some characterization properties of adhesive mortars. Five mortar compositions were evaluated, one standard, and the others with replacement of 10, 20, 30 and 40%. The raw materials were mixed by hand in the dry state, and their addition with water followed the normative procedures. Replacement with rubber has reduced mechanical properties, workability, density and specific mass, as well as increased water absorption and voids content. The rubber present in the adhesive mortars makes it difficult to pass the ultrasound, being a particularity to be studied for acoustic comfort applications. Even with the reduction in mechanical properties, all studied adhesive mortars presented themselves in accordance with the standard for industrialized adhesive mortars.
argamassa colante , resíduo de borracha , resíduo de pneu , adhesive mortars , waste rubber , waste tire