Análise de manipulador robótico para fins didáticos
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Santos, Weverton Tobias dos
Almeida, Sergio Luis Rabelo de
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Este trabalho teve por objetivo aprimorar o estudo de conceitos de robótica industrial pela implementação de ensaios práticos padronizados em disciplinas do currículo de engenharia mecânica e mecatrônica. O processo foi pautado na análise do braço robótico industrial da ABB modelo IRB140 M2004 com Seis Graus de Liberdade (6-DOF) e nas respectivas normas de caracterização. O trabalho também buscou relacionar termos de aula com experiências e conhecimentos empíricos adquiridos ao longo da pesquisa. Ao final, foi feito um levantamento geral da percepção dos alunos quanto as práticas adotadas. Os resultados principais foram que os alunos envolvidos demonstraram boa receptividade ao método adotado, exercitando um estilo autodidata e crítico perante o conteúdo, onde pode-se concluir que o uso de manipuladores industriais para o ensino da robótica pode oferecer ótimos resultados de elevado valor na melhoria do processo de ensino.
This academic work had an objective to improve the study of industrial robotics concepts by the implementation of standardized hands-on experiments in the curricular disciplines of mechanical and mecatronics engineering. The process is based on the analysis at the ABB’s industrial robotic arm model IRB140 M2004 with Six degree of Freedom (6-DOF) and its respectives standard description. The academic work also aimed to connect terms of class with experiences and empirical knowledge acquired throughout the research. At the end, was made a general survey with the students perception about the adopted hands-on method. The main results was that the involved students demonstrated a good acceptance about this method, exercising a self-taught and critical style towards content, where is possible to conclude that using industrial manipulator to teach robotics can offer great results with elevated value at the improvement of teach process.
This academic work had an objective to improve the study of industrial robotics concepts by the implementation of standardized hands-on experiments in the curricular disciplines of mechanical and mecatronics engineering. The process is based on the analysis at the ABB’s industrial robotic arm model IRB140 M2004 with Six degree of Freedom (6-DOF) and its respectives standard description. The academic work also aimed to connect terms of class with experiences and empirical knowledge acquired throughout the research. At the end, was made a general survey with the students perception about the adopted hands-on method. The main results was that the involved students demonstrated a good acceptance about this method, exercising a self-taught and critical style towards content, where is possible to conclude that using industrial manipulator to teach robotics can offer great results with elevated value at the improvement of teach process.
robótica , manipulador , didática , braço robótico , robô , acurácia , repetibilidade , MATLAB , ABB , robotic , manipulator , didatic , robotic arm , robot , accuracy , repeatability