Influência da atividade solar na geração de energia elétrica
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Côrte, Vítor Feitosa
Valio, Adriana Benetti Marques
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Este trabalho investiga a correlação da atividade solar com os níveis de vazão do rio da usina hidrelétrica de Itaipú, e consequentemente, com a geração de energia da mesma. Os dados de vazão foram retirados do site do ONS (Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico), e os dados referentes ao número de manchas solares foram obtidos no site da Silso (Sunspot Index and Long-term Solar Observations). O intervalo de dados utilizados foi de 1999 a 2019 (20 anos, aproximadamente 2 ciclos solares). Além das correlações dos dados, foram feitas pesquisas bibliográficas para conhecer a estrutura solar, os ciclos solares, sua relação com a Terra e como isso pode afetar a formação de nuvens e precipitação.
This thesis investigates the correlation of solar activity with the stream flow levels of Itaipú’s hydroelectric plant, and consequently, with its energy generation. The flow data were taken from the ONS (National Electric System Operator) website, and the sunspot number data were obtained from the Sunspot Index and Long-Solar Solar Observations (Silso) website. The data range used was from 1999 to 2019 (20 years, approximately 2 solar cycles). In addition to the correlations of the data, bibliographic searches were made to know the solar structure, solar cycles, their relationship with the Earth and how this can affect cloud formation and precipitation.
This thesis investigates the correlation of solar activity with the stream flow levels of Itaipú’s hydroelectric plant, and consequently, with its energy generation. The flow data were taken from the ONS (National Electric System Operator) website, and the sunspot number data were obtained from the Sunspot Index and Long-Solar Solar Observations (Silso) website. The data range used was from 1999 to 2019 (20 years, approximately 2 solar cycles). In addition to the correlations of the data, bibliographic searches were made to know the solar structure, solar cycles, their relationship with the Earth and how this can affect cloud formation and precipitation.
ciclo solar , usina hidrelétrica , correlação de Pearson , solar cycles , hydroelectric plant , Pearson correlation