Eficiência da tecnologia RFID na área comercial: interferências eletromagnéticas
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Nascimento, Matheus Gomes do
Simões, Paulo José de Aguiar
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A tecnologia Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) foi criada durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial para a identificação dos veículos aéreos por meio sinais eletromagnéticos. O princípio do funcionamento de um sistema RFID é um leitor que envia um sinal para um transponder, normalmente uma antena tag RFID, que é capaz de identificar este sinal e transmitir a informação contida na tag para o leitor possa identificar. Muitas empresas procuram o RFID para agilizar os processos logísticos, aumentando a eficiência e a confiabilidade do controle de ativos. A tecnologia apresenta limitações na presença de materiais metálicos, que refletem as ondas emitidas pelos leitores, fazendo com que as tags fiquem incapacitadas de receber o sinal e transmiti-lo novamente para o leitor. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados de experimentos utilizando tags RFID aplicadas em superfícies metálicas com o objetivo de identificar soluções que podem ser utilizadas nestes casos críticos. Demonstramos que o uso de um material separador colocado entre a tag e a superfície metálica desloca a faixa de operação da tag e melhora a eficiência de leitura em situações críticas.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology was created during World War II for the identification of air vehicles by electromagnetic signals. The principle of operation of an RFID system is that a reader sends a signal to a transponder, usually an RFID tag, which is capable of identifying this signal and transmitting the information contained in the tag to the reader for identification. Many companies employ the RFID technology to streamline logistics processes, increasing the efficiency and reliability of asset tracking. The technology has limitations in the presence of metallic materials, that reflect the waves emitted by the readers, making the tag unable to receive the signal and transmit it again to the reader. In this work we present our results of experiments to diagnose and the use of RFID tags in metallic objects and devise solutions that can be used in these special cases. We demonstrate that using a separator material placed between the tag and the metal surface shifts the operating range of the tag and improves the reading efficiency under critical scenarios.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology was created during World War II for the identification of air vehicles by electromagnetic signals. The principle of operation of an RFID system is that a reader sends a signal to a transponder, usually an RFID tag, which is capable of identifying this signal and transmitting the information contained in the tag to the reader for identification. Many companies employ the RFID technology to streamline logistics processes, increasing the efficiency and reliability of asset tracking. The technology has limitations in the presence of metallic materials, that reflect the waves emitted by the readers, making the tag unable to receive the signal and transmit it again to the reader. In this work we present our results of experiments to diagnose and the use of RFID tags in metallic objects and devise solutions that can be used in these special cases. We demonstrate that using a separator material placed between the tag and the metal surface shifts the operating range of the tag and improves the reading efficiency under critical scenarios.
RFID , ondas eletromagnéticas , metal , eficiência , confiabilidade , electromagnetic waves , metal , efficiency , reliability