Viabilidade da tarifa branca correlacionada ao uso de um sistema de gerenciamento elétrico residencial
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Vogel, Marcos Henrique Mansano
Mesquita, Rafaela Fiorim
Mesquita, Rafaela Fiorim
Raulin, Jean Pierre
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Membros da banca
A ANEEL, órgão regulador do setor elétrico, disponibilizou uma nova modalidade tarifária, a chamada tarifa horária branca. Nesta modalidade as tarifas de energia elétrica variam de acordo com o horário que a energia é consumida, tendo ela um valor mais caro quando o sistema está em horário de sobrecarga e mais barato quando ele possui excedente de geração. A proposta do presente artigo consiste na análise da viabilidade da adoção dessa nova tarifa e na proposta de um instrumento de gerenciamento energético para auxílio da utilização da tarifa branca dentro do cenário residencial. Este artigo analisa duas residências totalmente diferentes entre si, analisando os impactos da mudança da tarifa convencional para a tarifa branca. Os dados nessa análise são provenientes de levantamentos de cargas e consumos, realizados por acadêmicos do curso de engenharia elétrica em suas próprias residências. Entre os resultados, temos que para uma das residências não seria benéfico o uso da tarifa branca, visto que os hábitos de consumo atuais dos moradores, não se enquadram no perfil especificado da nova modalidade, já que necessita de uma redução do consumo de energia em horários de pico. Para a outra residência analisada foi possível identificar que com a nova modalidade e com o sistema de gerenciamento de consumo proposto, houve adaptação de hábitos dos moradores e a nova modalidade se enquadrou perfeitamente, facilitando não só a utilização da energia em horários fora de pico como também futuros apontamentos de economia na fatura de energia elétrica.
ANEEL, the electricity sector regulator, has made available a new tariff modality, the so-called white hourly tariff. In this mode electricity rates vary according to the time the energy is consumed, having a more expensive value when the system is on overload and cheaper when it has surplus generation. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the feasibility of adopting this new tariff and to propose an energy management instrument to assist the use of the white tariff within the residential scenario. This paper analyzes two totally different residences, analyzing the impacts of switching from the conventional to the white tariff. The data in this analysis come from surveys of loads and consumptions, performed by students of the electrical engineering course in their own homes. Among the results, we have that for one of the homes would not be beneficial to use the white tariff, since the current consumption habits of residents, do not fit the specified profile of the new modality, as it requires a reduction of energy consumption in peak hours. For the other residence analyzed, it was possible to identify that with the new modality and with the proposed consumption management system, there was adaptation of the residents' habits and the new modality fit perfectly, facilitating not only the use of energy during off-peak hours but also future notes of savings in the electricity bill.
ANEEL, the electricity sector regulator, has made available a new tariff modality, the so-called white hourly tariff. In this mode electricity rates vary according to the time the energy is consumed, having a more expensive value when the system is on overload and cheaper when it has surplus generation. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the feasibility of adopting this new tariff and to propose an energy management instrument to assist the use of the white tariff within the residential scenario. This paper analyzes two totally different residences, analyzing the impacts of switching from the conventional to the white tariff. The data in this analysis come from surveys of loads and consumptions, performed by students of the electrical engineering course in their own homes. Among the results, we have that for one of the homes would not be beneficial to use the white tariff, since the current consumption habits of residents, do not fit the specified profile of the new modality, as it requires a reduction of energy consumption in peak hours. For the other residence analyzed, it was possible to identify that with the new modality and with the proposed consumption management system, there was adaptation of the residents' habits and the new modality fit perfectly, facilitating not only the use of energy during off-peak hours but also future notes of savings in the electricity bill.
eficiência energética , tarifa branca , perfil de curva de carga , gerenciamento , energy efficiency , white tariff , load curve profile , management