Estudo da viabilidade técnica e econômica da implantação dos sistemas de climatização GHP e EHP para classificação de obras Leed’s
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Oliveira, Misael Machado de
Jacob Filho, Paulo Cesar
Jacob Filho, Paulo Cesar
Pessanha, Jorge Alexandre Onoda
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Os sistemas de ar condicionado estão entre os que mais consomem energia elétrica. A substituição para gás natural poderá reduzir em grande escala esse consumo e trará como benefícios a utilização de uma energia limpa, que produz um baixo impacto ambiental e favorece a utilização de um único sistema para refrigerar e aquecer simultaneamente. A proposta do presente artigo consiste na análise da viabilidade técnica e econômica da utilização de sistemas de refrigeração que utilizam método endotérmico a gás natural, chamado de motor GHP (Gas Heat Pump), comparando com sistemas EHP, facilitando a classificação LEED para empreendimentos comerciais. Este artigo analisa dois prédios comerciais da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, prédi0 35 e prédio 40, realizando o levantamento de utilização de dois tipos de sistemas VRF, sendo eles EHP e GHP. Os dados nessa análise são provenientes do estudo da planta de cada prédio, levantamentos de cargas e consumos, realizados por acadêmicos do curso de engenharia mecânica. Unificando os edifícios, 35 e 40 estudados em um só sistema, entre os resultados temos que se selecionarmos os equipamentos do tipo GHP para esse projeto teríamos um aumento de custo de implementação de 31,98% e de operação de 24,23%. Para que o mesmo seja viabilizado os sistemas deveriam possuir uma demanda horária acima de 14 horas diárias, que não é o caso da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenize que apresentou uma demandando com máxima de 14 horas diárias, ou seja, não ultrapassando da quantidade hora ideal, visto que a utilização dos sistemas estudados do tipo GHP são utilizados em projetos caracterizados como havy user, com uma demanda horária acima de 14 horas diárias.
Air conditioning systems are among the most energy consuming. The substitution for natural gas can reduce this consumption on a large scale and will bring the benefits of using clean energy, which has a low environmental impact and favors the use of a single system to simultaneously cool and heat. The purpose of this article is to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of using refrigeration systems that use a natural gas endothermic method, called a GHP (Gas Heat Pump) engine, comparing with EHP systems, facilitating the LEED classification for commercial enterprises. This article analyzes two commercial buildings from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, building 35 and building 40, carrying out a survey of the use of two types of VRF systems, namely EHP and GHP. The data in this analysis come from the study of the plan of each building, surveys of loads and consumption, carried out by students of the mechanical engineering course. Unifying the buildings, 35 and 40 studied in a single system, among the results we have that if we select the GHP type equipment for this project we would have an increase in the cost of implementation of 31.98% and of operation of 24.23%. In order for it to be viable, the systems should have an hourly demand above 14 hours a day, which is not the case of the Mackenize Presbyterian University, which presented a demand with a maximum of 14 hours a day, that is, not exceeding the ideal hour amount, since that the use of the studied systems of the GHP type are used in projects characterized as havy user, with an hourly demand above 14 hours daily.
Air conditioning systems are among the most energy consuming. The substitution for natural gas can reduce this consumption on a large scale and will bring the benefits of using clean energy, which has a low environmental impact and favors the use of a single system to simultaneously cool and heat. The purpose of this article is to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of using refrigeration systems that use a natural gas endothermic method, called a GHP (Gas Heat Pump) engine, comparing with EHP systems, facilitating the LEED classification for commercial enterprises. This article analyzes two commercial buildings from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, building 35 and building 40, carrying out a survey of the use of two types of VRF systems, namely EHP and GHP. The data in this analysis come from the study of the plan of each building, surveys of loads and consumption, carried out by students of the mechanical engineering course. Unifying the buildings, 35 and 40 studied in a single system, among the results we have that if we select the GHP type equipment for this project we would have an increase in the cost of implementation of 31.98% and of operation of 24.23%. In order for it to be viable, the systems should have an hourly demand above 14 hours a day, which is not the case of the Mackenize Presbyterian University, which presented a demand with a maximum of 14 hours a day, that is, not exceeding the ideal hour amount, since that the use of the studied systems of the GHP type are used in projects characterized as havy user, with an hourly demand above 14 hours daily.
sistemas GHP , climatização , viabilidade , classificação Leed , GHP systems , air conditioning , feasibility , Leed classification