Aplicação de Self-healin em redes smart grid para melhoria dos índices de continuidade
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Silva, Pedro Henrique Martins da
Motoki, Edison Massao
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Este trabalho, tomando como referência o setor de distribuição de energia elétrica, estuda a problemática da falta de recursos tecnológicos que possibilitem um melhor desempenho de sistemas de proteção. Destarte, é apresentado primeiramente a partir de revisão da literatura os principais conceitos de redes de distribuição de energia, assim como os equipamentos de proteção e suas aplicações na topologia. Por conseguinte, é determinado como as redes inteligentes implicam em uma melhoria nos sistemas de proteção da infraestrutura, dentre eles, tem-se o Self-healing que, a partir de uma região de falha do circuito, a isola e realimenta parte do trecho desenergizado em um lapso de tempo curto e que possibilite a solução da falha de maneira prática. Com o intuito de apontar a aplicabilidade do método de Self-healing, foi elaborada uma topologia via software SinapGrid que aplique as manobras de isolamento e reenergização dos trechos. Este trabalho apresenta, através de relatórios informativos obtidos pelo software SinapGrid, que a operação do Self-healing é efetiva na realimentação de circuitos que aponte falhas em trechos pontuais, assim como também a previsibilidade de novas falhas em detrimento do novo trecho energizad
This work, taking the electric energy distribution sector as a reference, studies the problem of the lack of technological resources that enable a better performance of protection systems. Thus, from a literature review, the main concepts of power distribution networks, as well as protection equipment and their applications in topology, are first presented. Therefore, it is determined how smart grids imply an improvement in infrastructure protection systems, among them there is Self-healing, which, from a region of circuit failure, isolates and feeds back part of the de- energized section in a short period of time and that makes it possible to solve the fault in a practical way. In order to point out the applicability of the Self-healing method, a topology was created via SinapGrid software that applies isolation and re-energizing maneuvers in the sections. This work show, through informative reports obtained by the SinapGrid software, that the Self-healing operation is effective in the feedback of circuits that point out faults in specific sections, as well as the predictability of new failures to the detriment of the new energized section
This work, taking the electric energy distribution sector as a reference, studies the problem of the lack of technological resources that enable a better performance of protection systems. Thus, from a literature review, the main concepts of power distribution networks, as well as protection equipment and their applications in topology, are first presented. Therefore, it is determined how smart grids imply an improvement in infrastructure protection systems, among them there is Self-healing, which, from a region of circuit failure, isolates and feeds back part of the de- energized section in a short period of time and that makes it possible to solve the fault in a practical way. In order to point out the applicability of the Self-healing method, a topology was created via SinapGrid software that applies isolation and re-energizing maneuvers in the sections. This work show, through informative reports obtained by the SinapGrid software, that the Self-healing operation is effective in the feedback of circuits that point out faults in specific sections, as well as the predictability of new failures to the detriment of the new energized section
redes de distribuição de energia , redes inteligentes , Self-healing , power distribution networks , smart networks