Simulação numérico-computacional de um modelo de casco planante
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Schneiderman, Michel Aizic
Sanches, Vinicius Curi
Sanches, Vinicius Curi
Angelo, Edvaldo
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Grandes avanços têm sido feitos na área de dinâmica dos fluidos computacional devido à evolução dos computadores. Na área da engenharia naval é possível realizar estudos de cascos que entram no modo de planeio, operação em que o corpo é sustentado por forças hidrodinâmicas atuando na região inferior do casco ao invés de apenas forças hidrostáticas. Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo em que foram determinadas as principais características de um casco planante como arrasto, área molhada e trim, que representa o ângulo de inclinação do casco, para velocidades que variam de 2 a 20 m/s. As simulações foram realizadas admitindo o casco como um modelo de corpo rígido com dois graus de liberdade submetido à um escoamento bifásico. Os resultados obtidos foram discutidos e comparados aos descritos em outros artigos que também fizeram pesquisas nessa área da engenharia. Foi definida uma metodologia para a realização das simulações no software ANSYS CFX®️, fato relevante e inovador, já que a maioria dos artigos encontrados na literatura sobre este assunto utilizam softwares específicos para simulações navais, fator que limita a abrangência das simulações e dos modelos aplicados.
Major advances have been made in computational fluid dynamics area due to evolution of computers. In the field of naval engineering it is possible to carry out studies of hulls that enter on planning mode, operation that the body is supported by hydrodynamic forces acting on the lower region of the hull instead of just hydrostatic forces. A study was performed in which the mains characteristics of a planning hull such as drag, wetted area and trim, were determined for velocities ranging from 2 to 20m/s. The simulations were made assuming the hull as a rigid body with two degrees of freedom submitted to a multiphase flow. The results obtained were discussed and compared to those described in other articles that also conducted researches in this field of engineering. A methodology to conduct the simulations using ANSYS CFX®️ was defined, and this is relevant and innovative, since most articles found in the literature about this subject uses specific naval simulations softwares, factor that restricts the coverage of the simulations and models applied.
Major advances have been made in computational fluid dynamics area due to evolution of computers. In the field of naval engineering it is possible to carry out studies of hulls that enter on planning mode, operation that the body is supported by hydrodynamic forces acting on the lower region of the hull instead of just hydrostatic forces. A study was performed in which the mains characteristics of a planning hull such as drag, wetted area and trim, were determined for velocities ranging from 2 to 20m/s. The simulations were made assuming the hull as a rigid body with two degrees of freedom submitted to a multiphase flow. The results obtained were discussed and compared to those described in other articles that also conducted researches in this field of engineering. A methodology to conduct the simulations using ANSYS CFX®️ was defined, and this is relevant and innovative, since most articles found in the literature about this subject uses specific naval simulations softwares, factor that restricts the coverage of the simulations and models applied.
casco planante , dinâmica dos fluidos computacional , características hidrodinâmicas , planning hull , computational fluid dinamics , hydrodynamics characteristics