Estudo numérico computacional da aerodinâmica de um tubo de PITOT
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Manoukian, Arthur Mezzomo
Paula, Rodrigo Pasiani de
Paula, Rodrigo Pasiani de
Angelo, Edvaldo
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O tubo de Pitot é um dispositivo capaz de medir a velocidade relativa entre o fluido e o medidor. Presente em todos os aviões, é um elemento que também causa resistência ao escoamento de ar. Neste trabalho foram realizadas simulações numérico computacionais de uma geometria padrão de um tubo de Pitot e de geometrias propostas visando diminuição de arrasto. A ferramenta computacional utilizada foi o ANSYS CFX®. Os modelos desenvolvidos adotaram algumas condições, a saber: escoamento permanente, tridimensional, viscoso e subsônico. Os resultados dos modelos numéricos foram comparados e, as geometrias alternativas propostas para o tubo de Pitot obtiveram menor valor da força de arrasto se comparadas à geometria padrão.
The Pitot Tube is a device capable of measuring the relative speed between the fluid and the meter. Present in all airplanes, is an element that also causes resistance in the air flow. In this paper, numeric computational simulations of a standard geometry of a Pitot Tube and of proposed geometries were carried out in order to reduce its drag. The computational tool used were the ANSYS CFX®. The models developed adopted some conditions: permanent flow, three-dimensional, viscous and subsonic. The results of the numerical models were compared and the alternative geometries proposed to the Pitot Tube obtained a lower value to the drag force if scaled with the standard geometry.
The Pitot Tube is a device capable of measuring the relative speed between the fluid and the meter. Present in all airplanes, is an element that also causes resistance in the air flow. In this paper, numeric computational simulations of a standard geometry of a Pitot Tube and of proposed geometries were carried out in order to reduce its drag. The computational tool used were the ANSYS CFX®. The models developed adopted some conditions: permanent flow, three-dimensional, viscous and subsonic. The results of the numerical models were compared and the alternative geometries proposed to the Pitot Tube obtained a lower value to the drag force if scaled with the standard geometry.
tubo de PITOT , aerodinâmica , dinâmica dos fluidos computacional , PITOT tube , aerodynamics , computer fluid dynamics