A economia circular na indústria: desafios e oportunidades da gestão de resíduos de vidro
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Machado, Amanda Wirz
Henneberg, Eduardo Moraes
Iannone, Mariana
Henneberg, Eduardo Moraes
Iannone, Mariana
Nicoletti Junior, Alaercio
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Dentre os resíduos sólidos urbanos existentes, o vidro é um material que pode ser reciclado por completo. Seu grande potencial de reciclagem e reutilização o destaca enquanto resíduo, resultando em redução de custos com matéria-prima e energia. Desde 2010, com o surgimento da política nacional dos resíduos sólidos (PNRS) - Lei nº 12.305, o país tem tomado medidas com a criação de novas normas estaduais e municipais, além de contar com incentivos aos instrumentos da PNRS, como planos de resíduos sólidos destinados a cada município, acordos setoriais e projetos envolvendo cooperativas e empresas responsáveis no cumprimento da logística reversa. Mesmo com o surgimento de inovações, a logística reversa ainda é um desafio para as empresas. Nesse cenário, o presente estudo tem por objetivo estudar sob a luz da PNRS e das normas existentes a reinserção do vidro na cadeia produtiva e analisar três projetos que retratam a logística reversa deste material. O estudo mostrou que há formas alternativas para recuperação do vidro que podem ser viabilizadas por iniciativas públicas e privadas.
Among the existing solid urban waste, glass is a material that can be completely recycled. Its great potential for recycling and reuse accentuates it as a waste, resulting in reduced costs with raw materials and energy. Since 2010, with the emergence of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) - Law nº 12.305, the country has taken actions with the creation of new state and municipal regulations, relying on incentives for PNRS instruments, such as solid waste plans for each municipality, sectorial agreements and projects involving cooperatives and companies responsible for the accomplishment of reverse logistics. Even with the appearance of innovations, reverse logistics is still a challenge for companies. In this scenario, this study aims to show under the perspective of the PNRS and existing regulations, the reinsertion of glass in the production chain and analyze three projects that portray the reverse logistics of this material. The study showed that there are alternative ways to recover the glass that can be enabled by public and private initiatives.
Among the existing solid urban waste, glass is a material that can be completely recycled. Its great potential for recycling and reuse accentuates it as a waste, resulting in reduced costs with raw materials and energy. Since 2010, with the emergence of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) - Law nº 12.305, the country has taken actions with the creation of new state and municipal regulations, relying on incentives for PNRS instruments, such as solid waste plans for each municipality, sectorial agreements and projects involving cooperatives and companies responsible for the accomplishment of reverse logistics. Even with the appearance of innovations, reverse logistics is still a challenge for companies. In this scenario, this study aims to show under the perspective of the PNRS and existing regulations, the reinsertion of glass in the production chain and analyze three projects that portray the reverse logistics of this material. The study showed that there are alternative ways to recover the glass that can be enabled by public and private initiatives.
economia circular , logística reversa , resíduos de vidros , reciclagem , política nacional de resíduos sólidos , circular economy , reverse logistics , glass waste , recycling , national solid waste policy