Aplicação do PSS no segmento pneumático
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Martin, Ana Flávia Bricks
Cury, Bruno Hahn
Silva, Juliana Bhering da
Cury, Bruno Hahn
Silva, Juliana Bhering da
Pereira, Veridiana Rotondaro
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Atualmente, com o aumento da competividade em todos os setores da economia, cada vez mais as empresas precisam encontrar soluções inteligentes para se manter no mercado e se sobressaírem em relação aos seus concorrentes. O Sistema Produto-Serviço é considerado uma destas soluções, visto que atrela um serviço junto à venda de um produto. Tendo isto em vista, este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a aplicação de um sistema produto-serviço dentro de uma empresa multinacional do setor pneumático, que adotou esta solução em seu portfólio recentemente, onde a mesma oferece um pacote de serviços para a gestão de toda vida útil de seu produto, o pneu. A metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi a revisão da literatura para estruturação do embasamento teórico seguido de um estudo de caso na empresa selecionada. Foram, portanto, evidenciados os benefícios que a empresa obteve com a aplicação do PSS, que vão desde uma maior fidelização do cliente até um aumento do faturamento devido à empresa prestar um novo serviço. Além das vantagens para a companhia, o cliente também se beneficia, uma vez que não precisa se preocupar com a parte operacional e consegue focar em seu core-business. Quanto às limitações desta solução, principalmente operacionais, observou-se a dificuldade no controle das frotas para manutenção, devido a infraestrutura do serviço ainda pouco desenvolvida, evidenciando oportunidades para futuras pesquisas.
Nowadays, with the increased competitiveness in all sectors of the economy, companies need to find intelligent solutions to remain in the market and stand out in comparison to their competitors. The Product-Service System is considered one of these solutions, as it links a service with the sale of product. Taking that into consideration, this article aims to investigate the application of a product-service system within a multinational company in the pneumatic sector. This company recently adopted the PSS solution in its portfolio, where it offers a service package for the management of the entire lifetime of the tires, their product. The methodology used for the development of the research was a theoretical basis reviewing the existing literature on topic, followed by a case study in the selected company, where the benefits that the company obtained with the application of PSS were indicated, also coupled with a greater customer loyalty and an increased revenue due to the company providing a new service. In addition to the advantages for the company, the clients also benefit from this solution: they do not have to worry about the operational management providing them with time to focus on their core business. This article, also brought to light the limitations of this solution, which are mainly operational, such as the difficulty to control the fleets maintenance, due to the still poorly developed service infrastructure, thus indicating opportunities for future researches.
Nowadays, with the increased competitiveness in all sectors of the economy, companies need to find intelligent solutions to remain in the market and stand out in comparison to their competitors. The Product-Service System is considered one of these solutions, as it links a service with the sale of product. Taking that into consideration, this article aims to investigate the application of a product-service system within a multinational company in the pneumatic sector. This company recently adopted the PSS solution in its portfolio, where it offers a service package for the management of the entire lifetime of the tires, their product. The methodology used for the development of the research was a theoretical basis reviewing the existing literature on topic, followed by a case study in the selected company, where the benefits that the company obtained with the application of PSS were indicated, also coupled with a greater customer loyalty and an increased revenue due to the company providing a new service. In addition to the advantages for the company, the clients also benefit from this solution: they do not have to worry about the operational management providing them with time to focus on their core business. This article, also brought to light the limitations of this solution, which are mainly operational, such as the difficulty to control the fleets maintenance, due to the still poorly developed service infrastructure, thus indicating opportunities for future researches.
sistema produto serviço , PSS , PSS gestão de pneus , serviço , produto , benefícios , product service system , PSS tire management , service , product , benefits