Metodologias ativas e recursos digitais para o ensino de matemática
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Botelho, Wanessa Kato
Lopes, Ana Lucia de Souza
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Este trabalho inicia-se descrevendo uma breve análise da sociedade da atual denominada “Sociedade da informação”, na sequência é abordado o perfil do aluno do século XXI a fim de compreender como devemos preparar esses alunos para um mundo volátil, conectado e cada vez mais tecnológico. Diante desse novo cenário, o trabalho propõe um estudo sobre as metodologias ativas e como estas podem auxiliar no desenvolvimento do aluno no que tange ao pensamento crítico e resolução de problemas para alcançar sucesso individual e coletivo, de acordo com as mudanças econômicas e sociais que se tem verificado a nível mundial. Apresentaremos um estudo sobre alguns tipos de metodologias, os recursos tecnológicos que podem ser combinados com elas e as possibilidades de benefícios nos processos de ensino aprendizagem. Como contribuição desta pesquisa, apresentaremos algumas estratégias de como sistematizar a aplicação destas metodologias contemporâneas, com apropriação de tecnologia para o ensino da matemática. Esta pesquisa revela como resultado a necessidade de incorporação de novas formas de aprender e ensinar, em especial ao ensino de matemática, e se vale deste estudo para revelar possibilidades de inserir recursos e metodologias que facilitem o processo de ensino aprendizagem. Este deslocamento permite pensar em ações que corresponda às competências e habilidades que os jovens terão de desenvolver para serem trabalhadores eficazes e cidadãos na sociedade do conhecimento do século XXI.
This work begins by describing a brief analysis of the society of the current so-called “Information Society”, then the profile of the 21st century student is addressed in order to understand how we should prepare these students for a volatile, connected and increasingly technological. In view of this new scenario, the work proposes a study on active methodologies and how they can help the student's development with regard to critical thinking and problem solving to achieve individual and collective success, according to the economic and social changes that are taking place. has verified worldwide. We will present a study on some types of methodologies, the technological resources that can be combined with them and the possibilities of benefits in the teaching-learning processes. As a contribution to this research, we will present some strategies on how to systematize the application of these contemporary methodologies, with appropriation of technology for the teaching of mathematics. This research reveals as a result the need to incorporate new ways of learning and teaching, especially in the teaching of mathematics, and it uses this study to reveal possibilities of inserting resources and methodologies that facilitate the teaching-learning process. This shift allows us to think of actions that correspond to the skills and abilities that young people will have to develop in order to be effective workers and citizens in the knowledge society of the 21st century.
This work begins by describing a brief analysis of the society of the current so-called “Information Society”, then the profile of the 21st century student is addressed in order to understand how we should prepare these students for a volatile, connected and increasingly technological. In view of this new scenario, the work proposes a study on active methodologies and how they can help the student's development with regard to critical thinking and problem solving to achieve individual and collective success, according to the economic and social changes that are taking place. has verified worldwide. We will present a study on some types of methodologies, the technological resources that can be combined with them and the possibilities of benefits in the teaching-learning processes. As a contribution to this research, we will present some strategies on how to systematize the application of these contemporary methodologies, with appropriation of technology for the teaching of mathematics. This research reveals as a result the need to incorporate new ways of learning and teaching, especially in the teaching of mathematics, and it uses this study to reveal possibilities of inserting resources and methodologies that facilitate the teaching-learning process. This shift allows us to think of actions that correspond to the skills and abilities that young people will have to develop in order to be effective workers and citizens in the knowledge society of the 21st century.
Curso EAD
metodologias ativas , educação e tecnologias , ensino da matemática , active methodologies , education and technologies , mathematics teaching