Um modelo computacional para representação dinâmica de conhecimento do indivíduo no século XXI
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Feitosa, Marcio Porto
Omar, Nizam
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Silva, Luciano
Silveira, Ismar Frango
Pimentel, Edson Pinheiro
Oliveira, José Maria Parente de
Silveira, Ismar Frango
Pimentel, Edson Pinheiro
Oliveira, José Maria Parente de
Engenharia Elétrica
Until now no work presenting a cognitive structure model of the human being has been identified, so as to enable its operation throughout the professional life of a certain individual indicating , in an updated and incremental way, the amount of knowledge in the various fields of professional performance of that individual. The existing models do this in an efficient way undoubtedly but always within a certain context and in a time frame. Furthermore, those models do not provide maintenance to the status of the concepts studied in the past, leaving them paralyzed with the status registrations of those times what, actually, does not occur, as the concepts are interrelated and, when receiving a knowledge charge, they partially pass them on to their related ones. Therefore, this work proposes a model of computable nature that aims to fill that gap, enabling its use throughout all the professional life of the individual. This model was conceptually developed and also in an implementation prototype. In the conceptual scope the development was made foreseeing its use in the academic environment, the beginning of the individual's vocational education and also in the labor market. In the practical scope the model was developed to be used in the academic environment, leaving the model concerning labor market environment to future works, since that this latter is an extension f the first one. With a strong proposition giving support to the continuous education, the model showed good functional results and, even being developed using a personal computer, it showed a good performance, demonstrating feasibility of use in education institutions as a tool for the progress monitoring and analysis of the students throughout the course. Also the students may analyze their knowledge registrations and identify their strengths and gaps in their knowledge. Because it is an extension of the academic model, good results are also expected concerning the future model that regards the labor market.
modelo computacional , avaliação continuada , conceito , aprendizagem significativa , estrutura cognitiva.
Assuntos Scopus
FEITOSA, Marcio Porto. Um modelo computacional para representação dinâmica de conhecimento do indivíduo no século XXI. 2020. 252 f.. Tese( Doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.