O evangelho segundo a mulher negra : relatório de realização de um documentário a respeito da vivência de mulheres negras em igrejas neopentecostais brasileiras
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Gomes, Rebecca Beatriz
Harris, Hugo
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Este relatório trata do desenvolvimento de um documentário expositivo que denuncia a problemática racial que envolve mulheres negras no contexto de instituições religiosas. O objetivo principal desta obra é analisar como o racismo e a falta de representatividade se dá em instituições religiosas no estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa foi feita a partir da necessidade de retratar a realidade de 58% dos evangélicos no Brasil, que constitui 31% da população, segundo o Datafolha (2020). A partir disso, foi construída uma argumentação com o objetivo de trazer uma reflexão para a discussão. Os principais materiais consultados para a realização deste trabalho foram: o livro “A religião mais negra do Brasil”, de Marco Davi Oliveira e o livro “Mulheres negras, raça e classe”, de Angela Davis. Com a observação de uma desvalorização de seus potenciais dentro das instituições religiosas, nove mulheres relataram suas vivências enquanto mulheres negras e como o racismo no meio cristão afetou (ou não) suas vidas de modo geral. Com isso, esta obra documental visa contribuir para o debate que é pouco discutido na sociedade, trazendo a perspectiva de pessoas reais e sua narrativa invisibilizada diariamente.
This report intends to talk about the development of an expository documentary that denounces the racial issues that involves black women in the context of religious institutions. This work aims to analyze how racism and lack of representativeness occurs in religious institutions, specifically in the region of São Paulo state, in Brazil. The research was based on the need to portray specially the reality of 58% of evangelical people in Brazil, who constitute 31% of the population, according to Datafolha (2020). That said, we built a logical argument with the goal of bringing the discussion to light. The main materials consulted to carry out this work were: the book “The blackest religion in Brazil”, by Marco Davi Oliveira and the book “Black women, race and class”, by Angela Davis. With the observation of a devaluation of their potential within religious institutions, 9 women reported their experiences as black women and how racism in the Christian environment has affected (or not) their lives in general. With this, this documentary work wants to contribute to the debate that is little discussed in society, bringing the perspective of real women and their narrative made invisible on a daily basis.
This report intends to talk about the development of an expository documentary that denounces the racial issues that involves black women in the context of religious institutions. This work aims to analyze how racism and lack of representativeness occurs in religious institutions, specifically in the region of São Paulo state, in Brazil. The research was based on the need to portray specially the reality of 58% of evangelical people in Brazil, who constitute 31% of the population, according to Datafolha (2020). That said, we built a logical argument with the goal of bringing the discussion to light. The main materials consulted to carry out this work were: the book “The blackest religion in Brazil”, by Marco Davi Oliveira and the book “Black women, race and class”, by Angela Davis. With the observation of a devaluation of their potential within religious institutions, 9 women reported their experiences as black women and how racism in the Christian environment has affected (or not) their lives in general. With this, this documentary work wants to contribute to the debate that is little discussed in society, bringing the perspective of real women and their narrative made invisible on a daily basis.
Acesso também através do link: https://youtu.be/d2ZlRlllTzg
jornalismo , cristianismo , negritude , racismo , religião , journalism , christianity , blackness , racism , religion