Edifício hibrido: solução para as grandes metrópoles
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Garib, Vinícius Dolce Perri
Nardelli, Eduardo Sampaio
Heck, Carlos Henrique
Heck, Carlos Henrique
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Tendo em vista, os problemas da mobilidade nas grandes metrópoles mundiais, este trabalho
tem por objetivo principal, o estudo dos espaços monofuncionais e multifuncionais nas cidades, at ravés das suas funções e utilizações, visando em primeiro lugar as pessoas. Para isso, também são
abordadas as noções de densidade demográfica nas grandes cidades contemporâneas, e quais as
consequências do fenômeno da superpopulação, que atingem direta e indiretamente as pessoas
que vivem, trabalham e se divertem nas metrópoles.
Dentro ainda das questões de densidade urbana, são apresentados algumas mudanças
em relação ao modus vivendi da sociedade, e modelos de planejamento da cidade, com destaque
para o Novo Plano Diretor Estartégico de São Paulo e o conceito de Cidade Compacta do ar quitetp Richard Rogers.
Mediante essa análise, é exposto o modelo de edificação híbrida, como forma de solução
para os desafios da cidade, em relação à mobilidade e diversos outros fatores importantes da ci dade.
Por fim, é apresentado neste trabalho o objeto de projeto, desenvolvido no decorrer de um
ano: Um edifício híbrido, localizado na zona oeste de São Paulo, no bairro da Vila Olímpia, com a
aplicação na prática dos conceitos estudados, para a conformação de aspectos que impulsionam
a dinâmica e a vitalidade urbana
Given of the mobility problems in the great metropolises of the world, this work has as main objective the study of monofunctional and multifunctional spaces in the cities, through their func tions and uses, aiming first and foremost the people. For this, the notions of demographic density in the great contemporary cities are also approached, and what are the consequences of the phe nomenon of overpopulation that directly and indirectly affects the people who live, work and have fun in the metropolis. Among the issues of urban density, some changes are presented in relation to the modus vivendi of the society and models of planning of the city with highlight to the New Strategic Master Plan of the city of São Paulo and the concept of Compact City of the architect Richard Rogers. Through this analysis the hybrid building model is presented as a solution to the challenges related to mobility and several other important factors of the city. Finally, the project object developed over the course of a year is presented: A hybrid building located in the western zone of São Paulo, in the neighborhood of Vila Olímpia, with the practical application of the concepts studied, for the conformation of aspects that drive dynamics and urban vitality
Given of the mobility problems in the great metropolises of the world, this work has as main objective the study of monofunctional and multifunctional spaces in the cities, through their func tions and uses, aiming first and foremost the people. For this, the notions of demographic density in the great contemporary cities are also approached, and what are the consequences of the phe nomenon of overpopulation that directly and indirectly affects the people who live, work and have fun in the metropolis. Among the issues of urban density, some changes are presented in relation to the modus vivendi of the society and models of planning of the city with highlight to the New Strategic Master Plan of the city of São Paulo and the concept of Compact City of the architect Richard Rogers. Through this analysis the hybrid building model is presented as a solution to the challenges related to mobility and several other important factors of the city. Finally, the project object developed over the course of a year is presented: A hybrid building located in the western zone of São Paulo, in the neighborhood of Vila Olímpia, with the practical application of the concepts studied, for the conformation of aspects that drive dynamics and urban vitality
cidade , mobilidade , hibrido , espaço urbano