Estado, mercado e a produção imobiliária residencial de São Paulo, 2014-2018
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Silva, Hugo Louro e
Campos Neto, Candido Malta
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Membros da banca
Castro, Luiz Guilherme Rivera de
Silva, Fernando Jose S. E. N. da
Meyer, João Fernando Pires
Zioni, Silvana Maria
Silva, Fernando Jose S. E. N. da
Meyer, João Fernando Pires
Zioni, Silvana Maria
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This work involves from the Brazilian economic matrix and the vertical residential real estate
production developed by the private initiative in the city of São Paulo, between the years 2014 and
2018. 2014 was a year that marked the beginning of a period of crisis and economic changes in the
Brazilian scenario; and, also, the approval of the new Strategic Master Plan for 2014 (PDE-2014).
We point out that the process of changing the residential profile of urban production, promoted
by the private sector in São Paulo, took place through a conjuncture between the economic
scenario, the regulations in the federal sphere - by reaffirming the economic matrix of support for
the production of available housing in force in Brazil, including the Programa Minha Casa, Minha
Vida – and at the municipal level – through the PDE-2014, the Land Installment, Use and
Occupation Law of 2016 (LPUOS-2016), the “HIS Law” of 2016 and the Works and Buildings
Code of 2017 (COE-2017 ).
When confronting the systematized empirical data with the theoretical framework raised, observing
the economic context, and the participation of the State, at the federal level – through the Caixa
Economica Federal and the Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida – and, still, the regulatory marks in
municipal sphere - which intended to redirect the profile of urban real estate production generated
by the private initiative, to a more compact city with social housing - we present in this work the
structural and conjunctural components that, concatenated, allowed the change in the profile of
vertical urban residential real estate production, within an economic and regulatory framework.
mercado imobiliário , verticalização , estado , plano diretor , Caixa Econômica Federal , programa minha casa, minha vida
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, Hugo Louro e. Estado, mercado e a produção imobiliária residencial de São Paulo, 2014-2018. 2020. 175 f. Tese ( Doutorado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020 .