Gerando arte através de inteligência artificial
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Souza, Bruno Estima Correia Milanesi C de
Gauch, Eric Bueno
Silva, Guilherme Gatto Gonçalves da
Gauch, Eric Bueno
Silva, Guilherme Gatto Gonçalves da
Basile, Antonio Luiz
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Este artigo descreve um conjunto de softwares e hardware divididos em três principais blocos: um aplicativo responsável por capturar uma imagem da câmara ou da galeria de fotos de um dispositivo móvel iOS; um sistema composto de um servidor Web que recebe a imagem do aplicativo e a processa utilizando um algoritmo de extração de “estilo” de uma imagem base e mescla as propriedades de estilo com a imagem enviada da aplicação móvel; um outro servidor Web que recebe a imagem processada, a converte em escala monocromática e calcula seus pontos para enviá-los à máquina de desenho que, então, reproduz fisicamente o desenho.
This paper describes a set of softwares and hardware divided into three main blocks: an application responsible for capturing an image from the camera or the photo gallery from a mobile iOS device; a system composed of a Web server that receives the image from the mobile application and processes it using an algorithm that extracts the “style” of a base image and merges these “style” properties with the image sent by the mobile application; another Web server that obtains the processed image, converts it into a monochromatic scale and measures its points to send it to the drawing machine which will be responsible for physically reproducing the image.
This paper describes a set of softwares and hardware divided into three main blocks: an application responsible for capturing an image from the camera or the photo gallery from a mobile iOS device; a system composed of a Web server that receives the image from the mobile application and processes it using an algorithm that extracts the “style” of a base image and merges these “style” properties with the image sent by the mobile application; another Web server that obtains the processed image, converts it into a monochromatic scale and measures its points to send it to the drawing machine which will be responsible for physically reproducing the image.
Ciências da computação , Web , dispositivo móvel iOS , mobile iOS device