Ideologia e urbanismo em São Paulo: o caso da região da luz
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Correa, Vanessa Fernandes
Somekh, Nadia
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Mota, Carlos Guilherme Santos Serôa da
Schiffer, Sueli Terezinha Ramos
Schiffer, Sueli Terezinha Ramos
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
A discourse analysis of the urban project "Nova Luz" and of the official statements about it reveals the contradictions of this "revitalization" proposal for the Santa Efigenia area, in São Paulo city, know from the 1990's as "crackland" ("cracolândia" in Portuguese).
To justify an urban intervention that was controversial from the beginning, as it would give the private sector the right to expropriate owners in the affected area, the Sao Paulo City Council resorted in its discourse to terms traditionally employed by the social movements, such as "moradia" and "habitação" (both translate as housing), as well as the concept of "social function of private property" in reference, without distinction, to both development of social housing and real estate developments aimed at the high middle class. This, among other findings of the study, reveals the ideological character of the discourse used to justify the "Nova Luz" project, a kind of discourse historically present in urban plans that favored predominantly the elite, the capital and its reproduction. Although the project was based on market real estate development and on increasing land value, its discourse would make believe that the result of its implementation would be a project aimed at diverse social profiles. But the expulsion of the poor families, who are the majority in the area, would be the most likely outcome.
concessão urbanística , ideologia , habitação social , projeto nova luz , projetos urbanos , Santa Efigênia
Assuntos Scopus
CORREA, Vanessa Fernandes. Ideologia e urbanismo em São Paulo: o caso da região da luz. 2015. 91 f. Dissertação ( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .