A cidade de Fortaleza e suas raízes industriais: ensaios sobre formação urbana e patrimônio industrial
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Viana, Flávio Gondim
Lima, Ana Gabriela Godinho
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Zein, Ruth Verde
Bastos, Maria Alice Junqueira
Bastos, Maria Alice Junqueira
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
According to the Statistical Yearbook of Brazil (1976) the population
of Fortaleza went from 41,000 people in 1890 to about 2,571,896
inhabitants in 2014, according to IBGE (2010) and estimates of the
resident population of July 2014, published in the Journal Union official on
08/28/2014. This population increase caused rapid expansion of the urban
space. From the 1970s the phenomenon of de-industrialization in the
urban area of Fortaleza, in addition to causing the transfer of numerous
plants to other parts of the city and the state of Ceará, contributed to the
closure and abandonment of other areas, some of which are true
documentary records of the landscape, identity and symbols that form the
local history. On the theme of industrialization and urban space this work
aimed to characterize the urbanization of Fortaleza, with reference to the
historical context of industrialization from the installation of the first
industries in the city. In the text are addressed issues related to industrial
heritage, from the reasons why cultural property are not preserved and its
implications in the history of communities. Industrialization in Fortaleza
seek rescue examples of three ancient city industries: Brazil Oiticica SA ,
San José Textile Factory ( SA Philomeno Industry and Trade ), and the
Oficina do Urubú (Office of the Vulture), belonging to RFFSA, trying to
analyze not only the constructed object but the whole process and the
circumstances that resulted in him. This literature qualitative study aims
not reach conclusive criteria defining categorically that the urbanization of
Fortaleza was determined by the arrival of industrialization, but rather to
contribute reflections on the theoretical and historical implications of this
urbanização de Fortaleza , industrialização , patrimônio industrial e cultural , Fortaleza of urbanization , industrial and cultural heritage , industrialization
Assuntos Scopus
Viana, Flávio Gondim. A cidade de Fortaleza e suas raízes industriais: ensaios sobre formação urbana e patrimônio industrial. 2015. [145 f.]. Dissertação( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, [Fortaleza] .