A legislação urbanística e os edificios residênciais privados modernos no centro da cidade de São Paulo entre 1927 e 1957
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Citações (Scopus)
Cipolla, Larissa Cataldi
Righi, Roberto
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Membros da banca
Bruna, Gilda Collet
Taralli, Cibele Haddad
Taralli, Cibele Haddad
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
The research examines the role of urban laws transformation in defining private
housing developments, vertical and modern, through 1927 to 1957, in São Paulo
city centre. The study is conducted based on three parameters of conceptualization
and analysis, as follows: 1. Study of the development of modern and private
housing architecture and town planning legislation in São Paulo city centre in the
period of 1927 to 1957; 2. Volume assessment of 14 buildings selected for the
reference period, taking into consideration: the legal limits for the area of
construction, setbacks, jigs, the urban design, architectural typology, as well as the
urban implantation. 3. Constraint interpretation of the relations between the urban
and civic law changes and the project development of 14 buildings selected for the
reference period, evaluating its implementation urban and urbanity
legislação urbanística , desenho urbano , arquitetura moderna , habitação vertical , empreendimentos privados , centro de São Paulo , town planning legislation , urban drawing , modern architecture , vertical
housing , private enterprises , São Paulo city center
Assuntos Scopus
CIPOLLA, Larissa Cataldi. A legislação urbanística e os edificios residênciais privados modernos no centro da cidade de São Paulo entre 1927 e 1957. 2011. 247 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2011.