Into the woods: uma releitura de contos de fadas

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Yamaguti, Natália Aymi
Pereira, Helena Bonito Couto
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Corrêa, Lilian Cristina
Dimitrov, Luciana Duenha
The fairy tales versions that most people know are different from those orally told some centuries ago. Stories that have oral origins are not the same ones we have access to nowadays by books, as old as they might be, but they are the closest versions to the original stories. Many rereadings and recreations arose based on Charles Perrault's and brothers Grimm's fairy tales versions. The most popular versions are the ones produced by Walt Disney Studios as: Snow White and the seven dwarfs (1937), Cinderella (1950) and Sleeping Beauty (1959). Other classic tales versions as the ones found in books by brothers Grimm and Perrault are way darker than the ones made by Walt Disney Studios. There are not only childish rereadings of such tales nowadays. One of these rereadings is a play called Into the woods, made for adults, and that envolves four fairy tales: "Little Red Riding Hood" (1812-1822), "Cinderella" (1812-1822), "Rapunzel" (1812-1822) and "Jack and the beanstalk" (1812-1822). This master's dissertation studies elements of the play, as well as classic fairy tales from brothers Grimm and some audiovisual contemporary works like Once upon a time and Tangled. We found the theory on adaptation theory from Linda Hutcheon to perform a comparison between the tales, the play and other rereadings.
contos de fadas , into the woods , caminhos da floresta , adaptação , musical
Assuntos Scopus
YAMAGUTI, Natália Aymi. Into the woods: uma releitura de contos de fadas. 2018. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.