O ensaio no romance de Saramago: a experiência humana sob o crivo da palavra
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Christal, Wendel Cássio
Bridi, Marlise Vaz
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Trevisan, Ana Lúcia
Vasconcelos, Maria Lúcia Marcondes Carvalho
Gobbi, Márcia Valéria Zamboni
Gomes, Manuel Tavares
Vasconcelos, Maria Lúcia Marcondes Carvalho
Gobbi, Márcia Valéria Zamboni
Gomes, Manuel Tavares
In contemporary literature, the frontiers between literary genres, as well as the frontiers
between literature and other genres of other areas, are becoming more and more tenuous,
appearing as a kind of hybridity impelled by the dynamics of discourses, constantly
changing. Appearing in the most diverse fields of knowledge, the essay has always been
present in the field of sciences, especially in Philosophy, mainly from Montaigne, as well
as in literature, with Francis Bacon, in which it usually receives the title of "literary essay".
However, research on the role of literary criticism in Portuguese and the implications of the
essay as a genre for theory of literature and literary production, able to comprehend the
intrinsic aspects of the essay, is lacking, as well as an understanding on the essay as a
genre or discoursive domain able to unite different subgenres from the frontiers between
literature and philosophy, or even science itself. This thesis, by means of a hermeneutic
methodology, aims to investigate the essay as an inherent element of the work of the
Portuguese writer José Saramago, with emphasis on the following works: Claraboia (2011)
and The intermittences of death (2014). This choice contrasts two distinct phases of the
literary production of the writer: the beginning and the end of his career, in order to verify
to what extent essayistic procedures are plotted in the literary prose of the author in these
two distinct phases, before and after The Statue and the stone (2013). In such works, as
well as in all the running of his literary production, aspects and procedures stand out in
relation to the aesthetic elements of the essay. In order to discuss and analyze such
questions in the work of Saramago, we will prioritize, as theoretical reference, fundamental
authors of the field of philosophy that deal with the essay: Montaigne, George Lukács,
Max Bense, Theodor Adorno, João Barrento, as well as other contemporary authors in the
field of literature and philosophy. Thus, in combining essay and novel, in an experimental,
singular and always ironic way, Saramago obtains a powerful support to reinvent reality, in
the sense of representing, under the sieve of the word, the human condition, giving the
novel an artistic dimension of essentially critical aspect, an essayistic aspect.
Saramago, José , ensaio , romance português contemporâneo
Assuntos Scopus
CHRISTAL, Wendel Cássio. O ensaio no romance de Saramago: a experiência humana sob o crivo da palavra. 2017. 173 f]. Tese( Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .