Gênesis 38: análise literária e história da leitura
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Hack, Jonathan Luís
Ferreira, João Cesário Leonel
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Membros da banca
Lajolo, Marisa Philbert
Pelegrino, Ana Lúcia Trevisan
Lima, Anderson de Oliveira
Cabral, Gladir da Silva
Pelegrino, Ana Lúcia Trevisan
Lima, Anderson de Oliveira
Cabral, Gladir da Silva
O objetivo central deste trabalho é aplicar os métodos literários da análise de narrativas e da
história da leitura à narrativa bíblica de Gênesis 38. A narrativa de Judá e Tamar foi escolhida
por ser desprezada por muitos como relato secundário que contém fatos escandalosos. Assim,
iniciamos com uma tradução literária do texto, refinada a partir da comparação de textos disponíveis
em português ao leitor brasileiro. A seguir, especificamos as noções da enciclopédia cultural
que estão pressupostas na narrativa de Gênesis 38. Na extensiva análise literária realizada,
examinamos os elementos narrativos usuais: enredo, cenário, personagens e ponto de vista;
finalizamos determinando a função da narrativa em seu contexto. Enfim, o exame da história
de leitura desta narrativa se concentrou em dois pontos: o próprio cânon bíblico e a produção
literária brasileira recente – em especial, três romances e diversas bíblias de estudo. Como a
aplicação destes métodos ainda é um campo inovador no Brasil, avaliamos ao final a eficácia
destas ferramentas para o intérprete bíblico. Concluímos que são instrumentos úteis para a boa
compreensão do texto bíblico.
The main goal of this work is to apply the literary methods of narrative analysis and history of reading to the biblical narrative of Genesis 38. The narrative of Judah and Tamar was chosen because it is discarded by many as a secondary account with scandalous events. So, we began with a literary translation of the text, refined by the comparison of portuguese texts available to the brazilian reader. Then, we detailed the notions of the cultural encyclopedia that are implied in the narrative of Genesis 38. In the extensive literary analysis performed, we examined the usual narrative elements – plot, setting, characters and viewpoint – and finished by establishing the role of the narrative in its context. At last, the investigation of the history of reading this narrative focused in two moments: the biblical canon and the recent brazilian literary production – specifically, three novels and several study bibles. Since the application of these methods is still an innovative field in Brazil, we evaluated, as a last step, the efficacy of these tools to the biblical interpreter. We concluded that they are useful instruments for a better understanding of the biblical text.
The main goal of this work is to apply the literary methods of narrative analysis and history of reading to the biblical narrative of Genesis 38. The narrative of Judah and Tamar was chosen because it is discarded by many as a secondary account with scandalous events. So, we began with a literary translation of the text, refined by the comparison of portuguese texts available to the brazilian reader. Then, we detailed the notions of the cultural encyclopedia that are implied in the narrative of Genesis 38. In the extensive literary analysis performed, we examined the usual narrative elements – plot, setting, characters and viewpoint – and finished by establishing the role of the narrative in its context. At last, the investigation of the history of reading this narrative focused in two moments: the biblical canon and the recent brazilian literary production – specifically, three novels and several study bibles. Since the application of these methods is still an innovative field in Brazil, we evaluated, as a last step, the efficacy of these tools to the biblical interpreter. We concluded that they are useful instruments for a better understanding of the biblical text.
interpretação bíblica , análise literária , história da leitura , Judá e Tamar
Assuntos Scopus
HACK, Jonathan Luís. Gênesis 38: análise literária e história da leitura. 2017. 280 f. Tese( Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .