Um metamodelo para o processo de design de recursos educacionais abertos multiculturais

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Santana, Edie Correia
Silveira, Ismar Frango
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Omar, Nizam
Amiel, Tel
Paragarino, Virginia Rodes
Engenharia Elétrica
The Openness and Open Education movements treat knowledge as a public good, with the premise of the freedom to use, customize, enhance and redistribute educational resources. Open Educational Resources (OER) are part of these movements with the intention of promoting access and quality of education through openly available resources. Although OERs are used by different types of students, with different profiles and in different cultural contexts, they are usually created and maintained without regard to the student's cultural context and attention to these aspects is of paramount importance as it may impact student's ability to access and learn certain content. This thesis aims to propose a metamodel - called REAM Metamodel - to support the representation of cultural issues in OER design processes. This metamodel includes four components: RMGuidelines, a set of dimensioned guidelines intended to assist the design team; the RMQuestionnaire, a questionnaire based on RMGuidelines to evaluate the representations made; the iREAM indicator that quantifies the representations by means of a calculation; and the iREAMTools computational tool that assists the REA project manager to manage project information and calculate the iREAM indicator. The REAM Metamodel was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated in three interventions with students, teachers and professionals from different areas in order to verify its relevance. It was found that the metamodel assisted and proved adequate to help the representation of multicultural issues in the OER design process. It was also realized that some guidelines could not be followed due to lack of time and also because of the focus that the design process had, which directly impacted the projects iREAM indicator. It has also been found that all REAM Metamodel components can be expanded in future research.
recursos educacionais abertos , metamodelo , design , cultura , educação aberta
Assuntos Scopus
SANTANA, Edie Correia. Um metamodelo para o processo de design de recursos educacionais abertos multiculturais. 2019. 153 f. Tese (doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica e Computação) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.