Da mediação extraprocessual à mediação paraprocessual: abordagem sobre a efetividade da mediação de conflitos brasileira a partir da processualística moderna

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Melo, Allesandra Ribeiro
Masso, Fabiano Dolenc Del
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Menezes, Daniel Francisco Nagao
Viva, Rafael Quaresma
Direito Político e Econômico
Due to the crisis of the traditional judicial model, based on the adjudicated solution, unable to promote social pacification and provide a fair legal order, obstructing access to justice in Brazil, and ultimately citizenship, this study intends to analyze mediation of civil conflicts as an autonomous procedure to the jurisdiction (extra-procedural mediation) and the mediation of civil conflicts inserted as procedural phase (paraprocessal mediation), due to the bias of the social pacification capacity of both procedures. To do so, it analyzes, compares, and differentiates the various alternative means of conflict resolution before and after the Legal Framework of Mediation. The analysis made it possible to verify that paraprocessal and extraprocedural mediations are mechanisms that should coexist in the brazilian justice system, but the solution to the crisis of access to justice depends on a change in the culture of litigation, whether by civil society or between operators of Law. Another relevant finding to the study is that the new Mediation, so that it contributes to the social pacification of the Brazilian State, must face challenges, of several orders. The first type of highlighted challenge is the culture of litigation, residence and change and mentality of the operators of the Law. Second, the educational challenges and those related to the (professional) exercise of mediation were highlighted. The third type of challenges identified were those related to the implementation and effectiveness of mediation. Once considered such challenges, this study emphasized the analysis of the obligation of the mediation audience, and the relationship of mediation with the culture of peace.
crise do judiciário , mediação , processo civil
Assuntos Scopus
MELO, Allesandra Ribeiro. Da mediação extraprocessual à mediação paraprocessual: abordagem sobre a efetividade da mediação de conflitos brasileira a partir da processualística moderna. 2017. 177 f. Dissertação (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2017.