Discriminação por orientação afetivo-sexual no ambiente de trabalho: um estudo da jurisprudência dos Tribunais do Trabalho
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Amaral, Renato Rossato
Bertolin, Patrícia Tuma Martins
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Hanashiro, Darcy Mitiko Mori
Freitas Júnior, Antônio Rodrigues de
Freitas Júnior, Antônio Rodrigues de
Direito Político e Econômico
Homophobia, as such understood the attitude of hostility towards non-heterosexual individuals, is extremely present in Brazil. Implicit social norms – disseminated throughout Brazilian society – stemming from random and arbitrary criteria – largely influenced by religious dogmas and also by our colonial patriarchal history –, consider the homosexual as marginal, bizarre, strange, extravagant. Homo or bisexual individuals are always assigned, a priori, a status of inferiority or abnormality. According to data consolidated by the Brazilian government, related to 2013 but only released in 2016, 3,398 violations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite and transsexual rights have been reporter in that year, a number 46.25% higher than in 2011, when the historical series began. According to data from 2012, it is estimated that around 5% of these aggressions occur in the workplace. Self-incrimination by victims, a consequence of the naturalization of violence, implies underreporting of discrimination cases, indicating that such numbers can be greatly underestimated. In this context of serious violations of rights of homosexual workers, in a society that tolerates homophobia and reifies homosexuality, the objective of our work was to investigate whether widespread homophobia in Brazilian society has the potential to impair or influence judicial decisions of the Brazilian Labor Courts. Through the evaluation of data (examination of content of judicial decisions), combined with statistical analysis to determine the pattern of repetition of certain behaviors, we sought to investigate whether our Labor Courts would be replicating, albeit indirectly, homophobic attitudes. We analyzed 149 judicial decisions handed down by all twenty-four Brazilian Regional Labor Courts (except for two which did not have any decision that matched the research criteria), as well as by the Superior Labor Court, and we pointed out the trend of behavior of each Court, as well as the average amounts of indemnities granted. In the end, we find that sometimes the Courts rely on the undercutting of the evidence produced, or on the granting of indemnities in disproportionately small amounts, to normalize violence against homosexual individuals, reproducing prejudiced understandings and, regrettably, tolerating and compacting discriminatory acts in the workplace.
discriminação , homofobia , orientação-sexual , direito do trabalho , direitos humanos , danos morais , indenização , Tribunais do Trabalho , jurisprudência , LGBTT
Assuntos Scopus
AMARAL, Renato Rossato. Discriminação por orientação afetivo-sexual no ambiente de trabalho: um estudo da jurisprudência dos Tribunais do Trabalho. 2017. 129 f. Dissertação (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.