Negociação coletiva no serviço público federal
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Casali, Rodrigo Guedes
Ribeiro, Hélcio
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Membros da banca
Siqueira Neto, José Francisco
Mello, Lais Corrêa de
Bertolin, Patrícia Tuma Martins
Massoni, Túlio de Oliveira
Mello, Lais Corrêa de
Bertolin, Patrícia Tuma Martins
Massoni, Túlio de Oliveira
Direito Político e Econômico
The work aims to study the collective bargaining labour institute, with the presenting of his concept for both the homeland doctrine as to the ILO, its specific principles, its relation to the principle of freedom of association, the regulatory instruments (agreement and collective bargaining agreement), scope, finally, its main aspects. Study will be, even if it is possible federal civil servants carry out collective bargaining work, as they are submitted to a constitutional pay system requiring budgetary provision for the creation of job or change in salary is preceded by legal provision, and as that that law should be a private initiative of the Chief Executive (Article 167, item II, Article 61, paragraph 1, item II, point a, Article 169, paragraph 1, Article 37, item X, all of the Constitution) . Presents other arguments that prevent collective bargaining in the federal public service, for example, the absence of item XXVI of Article 7 of the Constitution in the list of social rights of civil servants contained in paragraph 3 of Article 39 also of the Constitution; the decision of the Supreme Court handed down in the records of direct action of unconstitutionality No. 492-1 / 1990, which was the origin of the subtraction of paragraph d of Article 240 of Law No. 8,112 / 1990, which provided for collective bargaining as a right of server, but it was revoked. It also presents some arguments conducive to the realization of collective bargaining in the federal public service, as the entry into force of the Convention in our legal system No. 151 of the ILO, 1978 and the forecast of the right to free union association and union strike to the servers, so, how can design the right to strike without providing for the right to collective bargaining? Finally, it is practical aspects of the implementation of the negotiation that takes place today between federal public servants and the Union (Direct and Indirect Administration).
negociação coletiva de trabalho , serviço , público , limites e princípios constitucionais , reserva legal , competência privativa , previsão orçamentária , OIT , Supremo Tribunal Federal , Tribunal Superior do Trabalho , registro sindical , diálogo bipartite , working collective bargaining , service , public , limits and constitutional principles , legal reserve , private competence , forecast budget , ILO , Federal Supreme Court , Superior Labor Court , union registry , bipartite dialogue
Assuntos Scopus
CASALI, Rodrigo Guedes. Negociação coletiva no serviço público federal. 2015. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2015.