Gerenciamento de riscos em desenvolvimento de softwares : uma analise comparativa
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Auletta, Rubens Ernani
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O processo de gerenciamento de projetos de software vem atingindo
níveis de maturidade cada vez mais altos e jamais antes imaginados por conta
do mercado que se torna mais exigente e competitivo a cada dia. Empresas de
software estão se desdobrando para produzirem produtos e complexos com
maior rapidez sem deixar de lado a qualidade, o custo esperado dentro do
prazo estipulado e que atenda as necessidades definidas no inicio do projeto.
Para atender essa demanda surge a Engenharia de Software e para efetuar o
cumprimento dessas metas surge a necessidade de explorar mais a fundo uma
grande atividade que bem aplicada levará ao sucesso o projeto e minimizando
possíveis problemas. Exploraremos o Gerenciamento de Risco, que é uma
atividade até pouco tempo deixada de lado, porem primordial para o sucesso
do projeto. A falta de atenção aos riscos pode modificar o andamento do
projeto. O risco em projetos pode e deve ser encarado como uma oportunidade
de criarmos uma vantagem competitiva para a empresa, tornando-a mais
eficiente. Assim, apresentamos estudo comparativo entre três modelos
distintos de gerenciamento de riscos. O primeiro é o que foi escolhido como
referência para a comparação por ser amplamente utilizado nas mais diversas
empresas e ganha a cada dia mais credibilidade e muito conhecido dos
gerentes de projeto e está em constante aperfeiçoamento, foi desenvolvido
pelo PMI, que leva o nome de PMBOK. O segundo é desenvolvido pelo SEI e
se chama CMMI-SW. O terceiro foi desenvolvido pela IBM, e é chamado de
RUP. Para efetuar a comparação, primeiramente serão apresentados os
conceitos básicos de cada modelo dentro do processo de gerenciamento de
riscos até chegar a uma comparação entre os três modelos. Como conclusão
deste trabalho pretende-se chegar aos pontos em comum entre eles, bem
como suas divergências.
The Software Project management process has been reaching highest maturity levels and that ever previously thought up in the view of the market which we considered becomes more demanding and competitive day after day. The Software companies are continuously unrelenting in producing products and complex items with greater speed without forgetting the quality or neglecting the expected cost within the term stipulated, which meets needs determined on the beginning of the project. Whereas, in order to meet the relevant demand, this arises the Software Engineering, in other side, to perform the compliance targeted at these goals, this implies the need to explore deeply a great activity whereby it is well-implemented, that would successfully complete the project and minimize possible problems. Therefore, we explore the Risk Management which has been neglected until just recently; nevertheless, it is essential to the project’s success. Inasmuch as the lack of attention towards risks can affect the project’s progress. The project risk can and should be carried as a great opportunity to create a competitive advantage for the company, which comes more efficient. Thus, we present a benchmarking study among three different models of the risk management, then, the first which has been chosen as a comparison reference whereby, it would be widely used in several companies, earns each day more credibility and very well-known by the project managers with a continuous improvement, moreover it was developed by PMI which has the name of PMBOK. The second model is developed by SEI, what is called CMMI-SW. The third one was developed by IBM, what is called RUP. Although, in order to make the comparison, firstly; the basic concepts of each model of the Risk management process will be presented with the purpose of comparing the three models. To sum up, we are aiming at reaching the common point among them, as well as its divergences.
The Software Project management process has been reaching highest maturity levels and that ever previously thought up in the view of the market which we considered becomes more demanding and competitive day after day. The Software companies are continuously unrelenting in producing products and complex items with greater speed without forgetting the quality or neglecting the expected cost within the term stipulated, which meets needs determined on the beginning of the project. Whereas, in order to meet the relevant demand, this arises the Software Engineering, in other side, to perform the compliance targeted at these goals, this implies the need to explore deeply a great activity whereby it is well-implemented, that would successfully complete the project and minimize possible problems. Therefore, we explore the Risk Management which has been neglected until just recently; nevertheless, it is essential to the project’s success. Inasmuch as the lack of attention towards risks can affect the project’s progress. The project risk can and should be carried as a great opportunity to create a competitive advantage for the company, which comes more efficient. Thus, we present a benchmarking study among three different models of the risk management, then, the first which has been chosen as a comparison reference whereby, it would be widely used in several companies, earns each day more credibility and very well-known by the project managers with a continuous improvement, moreover it was developed by PMI which has the name of PMBOK. The second model is developed by SEI, what is called CMMI-SW. The third one was developed by IBM, what is called RUP. Although, in order to make the comparison, firstly; the basic concepts of each model of the Risk management process will be presented with the purpose of comparing the three models. To sum up, we are aiming at reaching the common point among them, as well as its divergences.
Gerenciamento de riscos , PMBOK (TI) , Gestão de projetos