Modelos de negócios em coworkings : uma análise a partir da dinâmica de criação, configuração e apropriação de valor
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Reis, Alessandro Paes dos
Meirelles, Dimaria Silva e
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Membros da banca
Perez, Gilberto
Ferasso, Marcos
Ferasso, Marcos
Administração de Empresas
Despite the exponential growth in the number of coworkings in the world, it is estimated that
60% of these businesses are not profitable, thus demonstrating an error in the creation,
configuration and appropriation of value in this sector. On the other hand, there is an absence
of academic work on coworkings business models. Therefore, the question that arises in this
dissertation is: how are coworkings business models developed? It is interpreted that the
understanding of the business model in coworkings requires a perspective of dynamic and
emergent strategy, based on a process of trial and error. From the methodological point of view,
one opted for the analysis of narratives, in which the synthesis results from the confrontation
between thesis and antithesis. From the identification of the events, the focal actors and the
understanding of the implicit and explicit oppositions (dilemmas) and syllogisms (conclusion
of the dilemmas) in the speech and actions of the interviewees, it was possible to identify the
main learning. As a result, it is noted that coworkings structure their business models facing the
dilemmas of creating value through the identification of the ideal point x restriction of financial
resources, private spaces x open space, understanding of needs x value proposition, competitor's
price x financial need of the entrepreneur, lack of experience in coworking x experience of the
entrepreneur, the exploitation of space for space rent x space of entrepreneurship and the
dilemma of rental x use of the building itself. Regarding the configuration of value, the main
dilemmas identified were energy allocated in the sale of space x concession of spaces for
strategic partners, the decision on the use of own software x third-party software, analysis and
decision on own investment x third-party investment, approaches to creating an engaged
community through the dissemination of events and messages via whatsapp / email x
conversations with coworkers and the use of a formal x informal code of conduct. Regarding
the appropriation of value, the main dilemmas reported were the use of traditional methods of
customer capture x social networks / digital marketing, the profitability of physical spaces x
other forms of profitability and the discussion of maintaining the expansion x balance the
accounts due to the option to use equity and withdrawals from closed contracts. All this analysis
is carried out through a constant discussion of dilemmas and contradictions (oppositions)
inherent to the decision-making process (actions, syllogisms) and consequent ruptures in the
execution of activities.
modelos de negócio , criação , configuração e apropriação de valor , análise da narrativa , teoria do processo , coworkings
Assuntos Scopus
REIS, Alessandro Paes dos. Modelos de negócios em coworkings : uma análise a partir da dinâmica de criação, configuração e apropriação de valor. 2019. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.