O financiamento dos meios de comunicação no Brasil e os desafios à liberdade de expressão

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Citações (Scopus)
Sgrignolli, Ruth Carolina Rodrigues
Pinto, Felipe Chiarello de Souza
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Membros da banca
Nohara, Irene Patrícia
Marques, Samantha Ribeiro Meyer-Pflug
Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
Barroso, Alexandre de Alencar
Direito Político e Econômico
The connection between humans can happen by various means. For the present work, it was considered to evaluate the media, mainly radio and television. With the changes introduced by the new ways of communicating (the Internet in all its variables), it was necessary to understand how these media relate to the traditional media and what impact these changes have on something as dear to democracy as freedom of expression. The relevance of the theme is to ensure that communication is always free, plural and diverse and the financing of the media, which is crucial for guaranteeing the plurality and diversity of vehicles may be undermined by the business model. This research highlights the economic imbalance and the risk of continuity media outlets (players), whether television, radio, newspaper or magazine. Thus, through the hypothetical-deductive method, the research developed, using empirical data from the research of entities in the area, theoretical references in the areas of law, economics and communication to counter the functioning of the communication market and the media´s special nature to the constitutional precepts, and build, in this way, the possible solutions to guarantee a diverse and plural scenario, under the terms of the Federal Constitution
liberdade de expressão , financiamento publicitário , pluralidade e diversidade , mídia
Assuntos Scopus
SGRIGNOLLI, Ruth Carolina Rodrigues. O financiamento dos meios de comunicação no Brasil e os desafios à liberdade de expressão. 2019. 202 f. Tese (Doutorado em Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.