Potenciais evocados relacionados à Tarefa de Deese, Roediger e McDermott em crianças e adolescentes com Transtorno Global do Desenvolvimento

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Valasek, Claudia Aparecida
Boggio, Paulo Sérgio
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Membros da banca
Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho de
Albuquerque, Emanuel Pedro Viana Barbas de
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
In the last decades the research interests in the false memory phenomenon have been amplified. The number of studies in the literature that investigate the electrophysiological components underlying the true recognition and the false recognition is still scarce, principally with respect to children and adolescents with autism diagnostic. The aim of this study was to analyze the behavioral differences in the performance of the subjects in the adapted Roediger and McDermott paradigm task in both groups and verify the presence of electrophysiological components in the recognition phase. Fifteen children/adolescents participated in the experiment. Seven of the subjects belonged to the autism diagnostic group (mean 15 + 3,6) and 8 subjects belonged to the typical development group (mean 10,7 + 2,5). The behavioral results showed that there was not a significant difference in the rates of correctness on the recognition of the target word, error by critical clue and critical distractor. Contrary to what was expected, this difference was also not observed in the children with autism. This might indicate that a literal information processing does occur in this kind of task. The analysis of the electrophysiological data in the recognition phase revealed the old/new component (500-1000ms) that presents higher amplitude for true recognition than for false recognition. It is interesting to notice that this component was observed on both typical development and autism groups. Moreover, it has been observed the low amplitude P1 component for correct rejection of critical clues in comparison to other types of correct answers. This component seems to be sensible to the discrimination of semantically associated words. Another component found but not described in the literature for this type of task is the P2 component. Therefore, this study may increase the knowledge about the neurobiological basis and the behavioral functioning, especially regarding the semantic word processing.
potencial relacionado ao evento , EEG , autismo , transtorno global do desenvolvimento , falsas memórias , event-related potential , EEG , autism , pervasive developmental disorder , false memories
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