Licitação como instrumento para a prática da corrupção
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Souza, Vinicius Tadeu Aparecido Martins de
Pires, Lilian Regina Gabriel Moreira
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar a maneira como o procedimento licitatório pode ser utilizado para a realização de atos corruptos. Como se sabe, a corrupção está cada vez mais evidente no cenário brasileiro e no mundial, ocasionando grandes prejuízos à sociedade, seja em seu âmbito social, econômico e até mesmo político. A licitação pública que, em primeiro momento, podia ser entendida como uma forma de combate à corrupção em razão de restringir possíveis favoritismos e escolhas subjetivas quando de contratações públicas, em verdade, tem se tornado instrumento para a prática de fraudes e atos ilícitos. Isto, pois, seu procedimento tem sido desvirtuado por agentes da Administração Pública (que, em conluio com empresas interessadas na licitação), se valem de brechas nas fases de habilitação e julgamento das propostas. Por tal motivo, analisar o procedimento licitatório e a maneira como ele é alterado para os fins escusos, se mostra necessário para o efetivo combate à corrupção- medida que se faz urgente na atualidade.
The present work aims to bring forward how the bidding procedure can be used for the accomplishment of corrupt acts. As is well known, corruption is increasingly evident in the Brazilian and global scenario, causing great losses in society, in its social, economic and even political sphere. The public bidding that, in the first time, could be seen as a way of combating corruption due to restrict possible favoritism and subjective choices when public contracts, actually, has become a tool for the practice of fraud and illegal acts. That the conclusion, because the procedure has been misrepresented by agents of the Public Administration in collusion with companies interested in the bidding, who use gaps in the qualification and evaluation of bids stages. For this reason, analyzing the bidding procedure and the way it is altered to the offense, is necessary for the effective fight against corruption, a measure that is urgently needed today.
The present work aims to bring forward how the bidding procedure can be used for the accomplishment of corrupt acts. As is well known, corruption is increasingly evident in the Brazilian and global scenario, causing great losses in society, in its social, economic and even political sphere. The public bidding that, in the first time, could be seen as a way of combating corruption due to restrict possible favoritism and subjective choices when public contracts, actually, has become a tool for the practice of fraud and illegal acts. That the conclusion, because the procedure has been misrepresented by agents of the Public Administration in collusion with companies interested in the bidding, who use gaps in the qualification and evaluation of bids stages. For this reason, analyzing the bidding procedure and the way it is altered to the offense, is necessary for the effective fight against corruption, a measure that is urgently needed today.
Trabalho recebeu o 2º lugar no Prêmo TCC - 2° semestre de 2018.
licitação , corrupção , combate , perfomance bond , bidding , corruption , combat , perfomance bond