Os princípios da eficiência e da universalização na descentralização administrativa de serviço de telecomunicações à iniciativa privada
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Campos, Silvio Tadeu de
Pires, Antônio Cecílio Moreira
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Os princípios da eficiência e da universalização no contexto dos serviços de telecomunicações mostram-se as maiores preocupações para os administrativistas especialistas no tema, bem como para os responsáveis pela regulação e pela prestação de tais serviços no país, sobretudo após a desestatização do setor, a partir da década de 1990, com fundamento na reforma Gerencial do Estado.
Buscou-se, no presente trabalho, abordar os aspectos gerais dos princípios e das normas, com o objetivo de demonstrar a grande importância que têm os princípios na formulação de normas, leis gerais e políticas para o setor de serviços públicos em geral e, especificamente, para o setor de telecomunicações.
Com o foco de relacionar os relevantes princípios dos serviços públicos de telecomunicações no Brasil, quais sejam o da eficiência, o da universalização, o da continuidade e o da competição, com as modalidades de contrato com a iniciativa privada permitidos pela referida lei especial do setor em questão, abordou-se, antes, a importância do respeito aos princípios dos serviços públicos no Brasil na prestação de serviços públicos, nas modalidades de contrato da concessão, permissão e autorização, previstos na referida lei específica.
Tais reflexões se mostram importantes para análise feita no último capítulo do presente trabalho, de forma que abordou-se sobre as contradições das vertentes liberais e as publicísticas sobre os serviços públicos no Brasil, com o fim de estudar o respeito aos princípios presentes na prestação de serviços de telecomunicações, sobretudo os da eficiência e da universalização, demonstrando os prós e contras da maior liberalização do setor, conforme Projeto de Lei Complementar nº 79, de 2016, que pretende substituir o atual marco regulatório do setor, a Lei Geral de Telecomunicações.
The principles of eficiency and the universalization in the context of telecommunication services are showed as the biggest concerns to the specialists in Administrative law, as to the responsible people for the regulation and for the provision of these services in the country, about everything after the sector privatization, in the decade of 1990, founded in the State Managerial Reform. This work seeked for approach the general aspects of principle and norms, with the target of showing the big importance of the principles in the norms, general laws and policies formulations for the public services in general sector and, specifically, to the telecommunications sector. With the goal of relate the relevant principles of the telecommunications public services in Brazil, wich are the principles of eficiency, universalization, continuity and of the competition, with the contract modalities with the private agents allowed by the sector referred special law, it was approached, before, the importance of the respect about the Brazzilian public services principles in the provision of public services, in the contract modalities of concession, permission and autorization, foreseen in the referred special law. These reflexions are showed importants to the analisys done in the last chapter of this work, once that it was approached about the contradictions between the liberal and public sides about the Brazzilian public services, with the goal of studiyng about the princples of the telecommunications public services provision,
The principles of eficiency and the universalization in the context of telecommunication services are showed as the biggest concerns to the specialists in Administrative law, as to the responsible people for the regulation and for the provision of these services in the country, about everything after the sector privatization, in the decade of 1990, founded in the State Managerial Reform. This work seeked for approach the general aspects of principle and norms, with the target of showing the big importance of the principles in the norms, general laws and policies formulations for the public services in general sector and, specifically, to the telecommunications sector. With the goal of relate the relevant principles of the telecommunications public services in Brazil, wich are the principles of eficiency, universalization, continuity and of the competition, with the contract modalities with the private agents allowed by the sector referred special law, it was approached, before, the importance of the respect about the Brazzilian public services principles in the provision of public services, in the contract modalities of concession, permission and autorization, foreseen in the referred special law. These reflexions are showed importants to the analisys done in the last chapter of this work, once that it was approached about the contradictions between the liberal and public sides about the Brazzilian public services, with the goal of studiyng about the princples of the telecommunications public services provision,
direito , descentralização administrativa , serviço de telecomunicações , iniciativa privada