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- Artigo de eventoA FBMC based ISDB-Tb Digital TV Frame ProposalAlmeida J.J.H.; Lopes P.B.; Akamine C. (2021)© 2021 IEEE.Nowadays, one of the challenges of communications systems is to enhance spectrum utilization and data rate without robustness loses. This situation is more perceptive in digital television applications, since there is a constant need of providing better experiences to the users with the transmission of higher resolution videos. In this context, novel approaches for the physical layer of such systems are subject of intense research, including investigation on the effect of replacing the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique currently used by other modulation schemes such as Filter Bank Multi Carrier (FBMC). This article presents a novel FBMC based frame implementation for the Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial Version B (ISDB-TB), developed as a software defined radio (SDR). The results show the robustness and rate gains of FBMC and prove that ISDB-TB frame can be modified to enhance the performance in Digital TV applications.
- Artigo de eventoA proposal for the next generation of ISDB-Tb using FBMC in a SDR implementation on GNU radio environmentAlmeida J.J.H.; Akamine C.; Lopes P.B. (2016)© 2016 IEEE.Digital TV standards are continuously evolving in order to provide users with livelier experiences. Nowadays, the trend in digital TV is to investigate the evolution of present systems to enable the transmission of 8K video programs. In order to do so, the physical layer of the system has to be adapted to be able to transmit the required bit rate. On the other hand, the modulation technique Filter Bank Multi Carrier (FBMC) has been widely studied in many communication systems, like 5G and WiMax, as a viable alternative to Orthogonal Frequency Multiplexing (OFDM). This fact stems from the better utilization of bandwidth (greater spectral efficiency) and more robustness to interferences in FBMC. This paper presents a study of the use of FBMC in Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial B (ISDB-TB), developing a complete software radio model on GNURadio, and accomplishing comparisons with the OFDM system. The GNURadio has been an important tool in order to simulate communications system, due to fact that it is a free and open source software, that allows analyzes and measurements in real time.
- Artigo de eventoA proposal to use cloud transmission technique into the ISDB-T systemFernando Da Silva L.; Akamine C.; Maciel Y.P.; Bedicks G.; Horta E.L. (2015)© 2015 IEEE.Cloud Transmission is a new broadcasting system, proposed to be used as the physical layer in the next-generation digital television, especially for the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 3.0 system. Its principal benefits are spectral efficiency, robustness against noise, multipath and co-channel interference, besides maintaining compatibility with actual and future systems. Cloud Transmission is based on Layer-Division-Multiplexing (LDM), which provides to the system an increase of its robustness keeping the same data rates. This paper presents a performance analysis of an LDM transmitter/receiver, implemented in Software Defined Radio (SDR), using the same channel coder, interleavers, modulation and OFDM frame structure of Integrated Digital Services Broadcasting-Terrestrial (ISDB-T).
- Artigo de eventoA proposed iterative DFT-based channel estimation for FBMC scattered pilot frame modelAlmeida J.J.H.; Lopes P.B.; Akamine C. (2020)© 2020 IEEE.The Filter Bank Multi Carrier (FBMC) has been studied as replacement for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) on the physical layer of the telecommunication systems. FBMC presents improvements on the spectrum utilization, bit rate and robustness to interference, without the need for inclusion of a Cyclic Prefix (CP). Since the orthogonality among symbols on FBMC is accomplished by means of using Offset QAM (OQAM), channel estimation becomes a challenge. This work presents a scattered pilot frame proposed for digital TV and a cubic spline interpolation combined with DFT-based iterative channel estimation method with statistical limit. The system was developed and tested on GNU Radio Companion (GRC) environment and its performance was analyzed on noise and multipath scenarios. The Bit Error Rate (BER) curves shows the better performance of proposed model.
- Artigo de eventoA wideband antenna with characteristics for low-frequency applicationsSantos E.T.C.; Bedicks G.; Akamine C. (2015)© 2015 IEEE.This paper presents a wideband monopole antenna in a conical structure with a cylindrical element to promote the UHF band cover and indoor use. Predicted impedance bandwidth is 453.5MHz-1334MHz for VSWR<2. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed antenna can operate at the frequency band from 469MHz to 1387MHz which VSWR<2. A resonance of the monopole along with the resonance provides the enough bandwidth to cover the DVB-T, LTE700, GSM850, and GSM900 bands. The project was made to be a lower cost and easy construction. The antenna shows peak gain of 3.3dBi. Also, simulation radiation patterns of the proposed antenna is presented. All simulations are carried out using EM commercial simulation, MWS-CST.
- Artigo de eventoAdaptive gap filler for digital terrestrial televisionRocha C.; Akamine C.; Bedicks G.; Horta E.L.; Stolfi G. (2014)This paper presents the development of an adaptive gap filler for Digital Terrestrial Television broadcasting. Unlike conventional equipment, which only amplifies and retransmits the desired signal, the proposed system employs cognition principles to analyze the adjacent channels spectrum, thus ensuring the required protection ratio. © 2014 IEEE.
- Artigo de eventoAnalysis of the Transport Layer Candidate Technologies for the TV 3.0 ProjectChaubet A.S.S.; De Oliveira G.H.M.G.; De Melo Valeira G.; Dos Anjos Chaves L.; Akamine C. (2022)© 2022 IEEE.The Brazilian Digital Terrestrial Television System (SBTVD-T) Forum released a Call for Proposals (CfP) for its 'TV 3.0 Project', seeking for candidate technologies on six system components to compound a new Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) system to be adopted in Brazil. This paper presents the requirements for its Transport Layer (TL), a brief presentation of the candidate technologies, and the analysis of the testing and evaluation report with further details, along with a consolidated evaluation. The results of the practical tests from the report and from other papers are discussed, followed by the reasons that lead to their decision of recommending the adoption of Real-time Object delivery over Unidirectional Transport/Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (ROUTE/DASH).
- Artigo de eventoATSC 3.0 Constellation Analysis using Computer Vision Combined with AI Decision TreeAlmeida J.J.H.; Lopes P.B.; Akamine C. (2023)© 2023 University of Split, FESB.This paper presents a proposal of a computer vision tool based on Open CV that allows the pre-visual identification of non-uniform constellation levels, channel coding, and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) estimation on ATSC. Nowadays, the challenge of digital television systems is to transmit high quality videos employing the new technologies, such as Ultra High Definition (UHD). Thus, the new standards as ATSC 3.0 have incorporated several modifications on their physical layers. Among them, it is possible to highlight the use of non-uniform constellations, advanced channel error coding and layer division multiplexing (LDM). However, the pre-visual understanding of the received constellations has become hard since the complex symbols are not distributed evenly in the complex plane and there are different layers to be seen simultaneously. So, the techniques of computer vision have a great potential to analyze and to extract an initial information from the images related to the received constellation, to identify the modulation level, channel coding rate and SNR to each layer, without the necessity of complete demodulation.
- Artigo de eventoATSC 3.0 implementation in GNU Radio CompanionDionisio V.M.; Akamine C. (2017)© 2017 IEEE.High quality television services entail more complex systems and higher costs of prototyping, development and testing methods. The concept of Software-Defined Radio, which addresses flexibility and adaptability to new systems as they are researched, is an option to study the behavior of some technologies that will be used in future systems. This paper presents an overview of the new Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) system, named ATSC 3.0. Finally, it proposes an implementation of ATSC 3.0 modulator using the GNU Radio Companion (GRC) software and validates the implementation transmitting and receiving the signal with a third party hardware and software.
- Artigo de eventoBroadband Diversity Antenna Array for UHF Digital TVDos Santos E.T.C.; De Souza D.H.M.; Perotoni M.B.; Bordin C.J.; Vieira M.S.; Smit F.L.P.; Akamine C. (2022)© 2022 IEEE.This article describes the design and test of a UHF broadband array antenna for applications in Digital Terrestrial TV Broadcasting (DTTB) TV 3.0 project covering the 470-700 MHz band. The antenna has two planar elements optimized for low mutual coupling to enable its use as a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) front end. The design was oriented towards easily manufacturing, broad bandwidth, and low cost. Measurement and simulation results confirm a low correlation coefficient between the elements as well as proper operation in the entire band.
- Artigo de eventoBroadcast-Broadband experience in ATSC 3.0: Proposal for gamification and complementary camerasAkamine C.; Martins R.; Vaz R.A.; Godoi A.; Maranhao Garcia De Oliveira G.H.; Rabaca R.S.; Rosario E Barros U.M.; Brancaccio R.; Ohata D.; Ribeiro J.R.; Diez C.; Soares J.R.; Pacola Alves L.G.; Del Nero F.P.; Ferraresso G.; Chaves L.; Notargiacomo P. (2018)© 2018 IEEE.The project consists of the transmission of immersive audio, 4K UHDTV video with multi-camera gamijication-related applications using the ATSC 3.0 standard, being sent using a hybrid system, through the IBB concept and also with applications related to gamification with multi-cameras. To validate the performance of the proposed system, IBB application performance tests, signal quality and robustness using the ATSC 3.0 standard, as well as the interactivity obtained through the use of gamification techniques, educational methods, and visualization of events in multiple screens. These services are possible to be transmitted due to the flexibility of the ATSC 3.0, its transmission rate due to the LDM, its robustness derived from error correction codes and video compression, enabling the transmission of UHD videos.
- Artigo de eventoDesigning Non-Uniform Constellations using an Artificial Immune SystemJerji F.; Akamine C.; De Castro L.N. (2022)© 2022 IEEE.This paper presents the experimental results of designing Non-Uniform Constellations (NUC) using an Artificial Immune System named Clonal Selection Algorithm (CLONALG). The simulation results for the proposed experiment show the CLONALG capability of generating a NUC with superior performance to the NUC generated using a standard Genetic Algorithm (GA).
- Artigo de eventoDesigning non-uniform constellations using genetic algorithmJerji F.; Akamine C.; Omar N. (2020)© 2020 IEEE.This paper presents the experimental results of designing a Non-Uniform Constellations (NUC) using Genetic Algorithm (GA). The simulation results for the proposed experiment demonstrate the capacity of the GA of generating a NUC with a performance enhancement of up to 0.8 dB.
- Artigo de eventoDevelopment of MMT Analyzer for ATSC 3.0Diniz C.; Akamine C.; Valeira G.D.M. (2019)© 2019 IEEE.With the increasing volume of video streaming on the Internet, whether through on-demand or real-time services, the need arose for the development of transport mechanisms and protocols with greater flexibility and control of the quality of the transmitted service. To meet this new issue and ensure the evolution of broadcast television services, MPEG Media Transport (MMT), was developed to transport the hybrid delivery of multimedia streams in broadcast and broadband networks. This paper proposes the implementation of a specialized MMT Protocol (MMTP) analyzer for Advanced Television System Committee (ATSC) 3.0 developed in C language and integrated as a plug-in for the Open-Source Wireshark software.
- Artigo de eventoDevelopment of ROUTE/DASH flow analyzerSantana M.A.; Garcia De Oliveira G.H.M.; Sassaqui Chaubet A.S.; Admir Vaz R.; Akamine C. (2023)© 2023 IEEE.In 2020, the Brazilian Digital Television System (SBTVD) Forum released a Call for Proposals for the new "TV 3.0"project, which aims on the development of the next generation of Digital Terrestrial Television system. As a result of the testing phase, the Forum decided to adopt the Real-time Object delivery over Unidirectional Transport / MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (ROUTE/DASH) standard for the Transport Layer, with some adaptations and extensions. This paper proposes the implementation of a ROUTE/DASH standard flow analyzer using Open Source tools such as Wireshark, Lua, and python programming languages.
- Artigo de eventoDFT and ANN based channel estimation techniques combined to 3-tap equalization for a proposed FBMC scattered pilot frame modelAlmeida J.J.H.; Akamine C.; Lopes P.B. (2020)© 2020 IEEE.This work presents a Filter Bank Multi Carrier (FBMC) based digital TV frame model combined to novel 3-tap Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and statistical Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) channel estimation techniques. This arrangement improves the spectral efficiency and robustness of the transmission of data by avoiding the use of Cyclic Prefix (CP). The results show that pilot aided FBMC frame can be employed in digital TV applications. The Bit Error Rate (BER) curves demonstrate that ANN and DFT with statistical threshold 3-tap methods enhance the performance in multipath scenarios in comparison to traditional techniques.
- Artigo de eventoEmpirical Modeling of UHF Wireless Channel in HPHT SFNs: Based on Seoul Metropolitan CaseAhn S.; Kim J.; Ahn S.-K.; Kwon S.; Jeon S.; Gomez-Barquero D.; Angueira P.; He D.; Akamine C.; Ek M.; Simha S.; Aitken M.; Hong Z.H.; Wu Y.; Park S.-I. (2022)© 2022 IEEE.This paper proposes realistic channel models to describe the fading effects in high-power high-tower (HPHT) single-frequency network (SFN) environments. The proposed models empirically characterize the ultra-high frequency wireless channels based on field data obtained from an operational SFN in a metropolitan area. To this end, large-scale channel sounding experiments are conducted by leveraging on-air transmitter identification signals. The unique features of HPHT SFN transmission are identified and reflected in the tapped delay line parameter definitions. Dedicated models are built for stationary and mobile environments so that they could relevantly assist network planning, system implementation, and performance test in the industry. Free MATLAB source code of the fading simulator is available at
- Artigo de eventoEvaluation of LDPC codes and Layered Division Multiplexing in Digital Radio Mondiale plusPais F.C.; Rabaca R.S.; Barragam V.P.; Jerji F.; Akamine C. (2021)© 2021 IEEE.The study of new digital transmission technologies has increasingly gained importance. The implementation of digital radio has not yet been widely accepted, due to several cost factors and regional limitations. This article proposes the study of Digital Radio Mondiale Plus (\mathbf{DRM +}) in the Very High Frequency (VHF) band with Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) channel codes and Layered Division Multiplexing (LDM) technique. The development of \mathbf{DRM +} was carried out using Software Defined Radio (SDR), which guarantees lower production costs and the ability to develop new packages without having to change the hardware. The results obtained demonstrate that the \text{DRM} + combined with LDPC and LDM techniques guaranteed the system a gain, when compared to the standard system it had a reduction of 1.5 dB in Signal Noise Ration with a Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK).
- Artigo de eventoField measurements for ISDB-TB in the VHF bandBedicks G.; Sukys F.; Horta E.L.; De Mendonca Maroja R.; De Melo Valeira G.; Donzelli V.; Akamine C. (2011)This paper presents field tests and analysis of the results of the fixed and mobile reception of Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting-Terrestrial version B (ISDB-TB) in the VHF band. A comparative analysis of DTV reception behavior in the VHF and UHF bands is presented. © 2011 IEEE.
- Artigo de eventoField trial for Brazilian DTV using space diversityAkamine C.; Yamada F.; Bedicks Jr. G.; Dantas C.E.D.S.; Sukys F.; Motoyama R.E.; De Maroja R.M.; De Valeira G.M.; Horta E.L. (2010)This paper presents field tests results of High Definition Television (HDTV) mobile reception performance of an Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting-Terrestrial version B (ISDB-TB) receiver with space diversity. The diversity receiver hardware uses a commercial chip with a four branch maximal ratio combining (MRC) system. The tests were performed at the center of the UHF band using 64-QAM in urban, suburban, rural, and highway areas. During the tests the diversity receiver and a standard receiver performances were compared and the results showed that diversity reception would make HDTV mobile reception possible.