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- TeseMudança e a teoria ator-rede: Humanos e não-humanos em controvérsias na implementação de um Centro de Serviços CompartilhadosPinto, Clovis Cerretto (2013-11-26)
The challenge explored in this study is to address organizational change as flow. To do so,the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) was used, which is an approach querying traditional Sociology. This theory disregards the concept of society, instead viewing it as a collectif of human and non-human actors linked together in networks and endowed with agency. Its studies usually focus on technological topics, particularly those featuring IT systems and machines as non-human actors . However, other non-human aspects are also part of these collectifs and companies, such as corporate projects viewed as quasi-objects. One of the core concepts of the ANT is the translation of interests , in addition to urging the relevance of the controversy-based view for describing social dynamics. According to the ANT, the actors themselves have their own theories about events, with no need to explain them. Based on these remarks, the general purpose of the study was: to understand how non-human and human agency occurs and the agency of their association in non-technological change processes in a company in the light of the ANT. This study opted for process ontology through a post-structuralist approach. As a research strategy, it used a longitudinal case study conducted from April 2011 to July 2012 at Enterprise X, a pseudonym for a public utility service provider in São Paulo State, Brazil, where the Implementation of a Shared Services Center (SSC) was under way. During this process, the researcher had three identities that were ethically conflicting: manager of one of the administrative departments involved in the implementation of this Center; the project implementer and a researcher working towards a doctorate. The research project was approved by the company on these bases, grounded on ethical commitments to confidentiality. Participant observation was used to construct the data, together with focus groups, one-on-one interviews, audiovisual resources and documents, aiming a multivocal outcome, with data analysis through controversies cartography, supported by dynamic network software, actant diagrams, timelines and adapted mind maps. The description of the implementation of this SSC a translation of interests for cutting back on the administrative staff took place at three levels, on a larger to a smaller scale, over seventeen years at Company X. The controversies were mapped by topic, argument and the human / non-human actants involved, as well as the stances adopted,underscoring the non-human agency serving as mediators. Some controversies were closed, becoming black boxes, meaning fragile stabilizations that could be reopened at some future time. Others remained active, with the result that the SSC was not punctualized by the end of the research period. The main contributions of the study are related to understanding change as controversies constructed by network-actors that lead to organization when resolved (even partially), and the methodology used to address change as process.The study presents recommendations for subsequent research projects and for the business segment, with reflections and suggestions for understanding change in all its complexity, in addition to the episodic approach. - TesePhronêsis e o processo da ação humana em contexto de mudança: um estudo em Instituições de Ensino SuperiorPimentel, Fabine Évelin Romão (2019-08-01)
Centro de Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas (CCSA)
Mudanças constituem o cotidiano de pessoas e organizações, tornando-se um tema sobre o qual debruçam-se estudiosos e práticos. Neste estudo, assumimos a mudança como emergente e contínua, fruto das interações humanas, à medida que as pessoas lidam com os eventos, imprevistos e contingências do cotidiano organizacional. Nesse contexto, os gestores, observando a propensão das coisas, atuam de forma sutil e em tempo apropriado de modo a facilitar as transformações necessárias. O prudente, o homem dotado de phronêsis, ou sabedoria prática, é capaz de bem deliberar por meio de ações éticas que se constituem em um mundo contingente e indeterminado. A ação humana não se sustenta em verdades eternas e imutáveis, ao contrário, sustenta-se no correto julgamento humano do que é preciso fazer e em que tempo. Nesse sentido, um gestor dotado de prudência poderá promover ambientes de mudanças emergentes e não traumáticas. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em duas instituições de ensino superior (IES), localizadas no estado de Goiás, focalizando o ambiente de sala de aula como contexto de mudanças emergentes, visando a compreender como ocorre o exercício da phronêsis por professores-gestores do ensino superior de Cursos de Administração, considerando a teoria da ação de Aristóteles. Mediante pesquisa qualitativa conduzida sob uma perspectiva epistemológica do construcionismo social, sob orientação responsiva, adotamos a narrativa como estratégia de pesquisa fazendo uso da entrevista episódica, da observação não participante e de documentos das instituições pesquisadas. Os resultados, obtidos mediante análise temática das histórias dos participantes, mostraram a sala de aula como um contexto em que eventos não repetitivos, não planejados, e, portanto, emergentes ocorrem, caracterizando- -o como algo dinâmico, vivo, flexível e passível de mudança contínua. O exercício da phronêsis foi compreendido mediante a análise do processo da ação de professores-gestores, nas deliberações ocorridas ao lidar com situações imprevistas, que surgem a partir da interação com os alunos no ambiente de sala de aula. Esse exercício é fruto da experiência, proveniente da constante revisão da prática docente. - TeseRealização de valores pessoais no ambiente organizacional como componente de compatibilidade indivíduo-organização percebida e sua influência em intenção de saídaSantos, Leonardo Blanco dos (2016-05-15)
Centro de Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas (CCSA)
Voluntary exit occurs when professionals decide to leave the organisation in which they work. It generates costs not only for the organisation but also for themselves. A number of variables influence the exit, being intention to leave its strongest predictor. Based on interactional psychology, studies on person-organisation fit postulate that behaviour is a function of the interaction between characteristics of the individual and of the organisational environment. Intention to leave is one of the most researched variables in person-organisation fit. Considering the importance of values for studies on person-organisation fit, this study states the Realisation of Personal Values in the organisational environment, concept that was introduced by Maurino and Domenico (2012), as a component of perceived person-organisation fit. This study aims to verify whether the perception of Realisation of Personal Values in the organisational environment, proposed as a component of perceived person-organisation fit, influences upon intention to leave the organisation. It looks at the influence of Realisation of Personal Values in the organisational environment on intention to leave that environment. The research instrument consisted of questionnaires to measure personal values, Realisation of Personal Values in the organisational environment, intention to leave, as well as sociodemographic and functional questions. This was applied online, obtaining responses of 553 participants who worked within organisations in Brazil. The data were analyzed by statistical techniques such as analysis of variance (ANOVA), confirmatory (for personal values and Realisation of Personal Values) and exploratory (for intention to leave) factor analysis, correlations, structural equation modeling and cluster analysis. The main finding was that respondents’ perceptions of their realisation of Openess to change and Self-Enhancement values in the organisational environment influence their intention to leave. It was observed that three control variables, namely having dependents, managerial/nonmanagerial position and educational level influence on intention to leave as well. The results of cluster analysis suggest that the greater the distance between the importance attributed to a particular value and the perception of its realisation in the organisational environment, the higher is the level of intention to leave. This study contributes to the literature on perceived person-organisation fit by identifying one of its components, Realisation of Personal Values (RPV), thereby integrating RPV with the studies of person-organisation fit. A new questionnaire was developed to measure RPV based on the refined theory of personal values (SCHWARTZ et al., 2012), and by investigating the influence of RPV on intention to leave. It contributes to the organisations by inserting the possibility of considering the role of RPV on staff turnover management.