Atividade diária de abelhas Jataí Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille 1811) (Hymenoptera, Apidae) de uma colmeia introduzida no viveiro do Curso de Ciências Biológicas da UPM
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Garbelotti, Ana Carolina
Castro, Adriano Monteiro de
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A abelha jataí Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille 1811) (Hymenoptera, Apidae), é uma abelha com o ferrão atrofiado, não exercendo assim a função de ferroar, por isso são conhecidas como “abelhas sem ferrão”. Conjuntamente, muitas destas abelhas também são criadas por comunidades indígenas em todo o Brasil e desta forma também são categorizadas como “abelhas indígenas”. Sociabilidade é uma das muitas características marcantes desta abelha, influenciando na maneira em que ela age e defende seu ninho. Por ser de pequeno porte, é mais mansa e têm baixa produção de mel, porém com excelente qualidade visto que ela é mais adaptada à polinização do que outras espécies. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os fatores que influenciam a atividade diária, inventariar as condições e técnicas de manejo de colmeia de abelhas Jataí e principalmente informar e sensibilizar sobre a importância das abelhas melíferas nativas e o seu cultivo. Portanto, o presente estudo foi realizado no Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (CCBS), da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – Campus Higienópolis (SP) com o intuito de avaliar o desenvolvimento de uma colônia de abelhas Jataí. A pesquisa foi realizada com uma abordagem quali-quantitativa voltada a realização de um estudo descritivo. Foram coletados dados semanalmente referentes à atividades e estado da colmeia, entrada/saída de abelhas, presença de pólen, presença de resíduo, clima, temperatura e umidade. Considerando a grande importância sociocultural, ecológica e econômica das abelhas sem ferrão, diante crescentes ameaças antrópicas, faz-se necessário enfatizar e valorar para a manutenção das comunidades das principais responsáveis pela polinização de grande parte das espécies vegetais do Brasil, as “abelhas indígenas”. Com isso, busca-se entender que elas desempenham uma função ainda mais importante nos ecossistemas. Afinal, são mais propensas a realizar suas atividades diárias de entrar e sair da colmeia quando a umidade é baixa e a temperatura é alta.
Jataí bees, Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille 1811) (Hymenoptera, Apidae), is a bee with a reduced stinger, thus not performing the function of stinging, which is why they are known as "stingless bees". Additionally, many of these bees are also kept by indigenous communities throughout Brazil and are thus categorized as "indigenous bees". Sociability is one of the many remarkable characteristics of this bee, influencing the way it behaves and defends its nest. Being small, it is more docile and has low honey production, but with excellent quality since it is better adapted to pollination than other species. The objective of this study was to identify the factors that influence daily activity, inventory the conditions and hive management techniques of Jataí bees, and primarily inform and raise awareness about the importance of native honeybees and their cultivation. Therefore, the present study was conducted at the Center for Biological and Health Sciences (CCBS) of the Mackenzie Presbyterian University - Higienópolis Campus (SP) with the aim of evaluating the development of a Jataí bee colony. The research was carried out with a qualitative-quantitative approach focused on a descriptive study. Data were collected weekly regarding the hive, bee entrance/exit, presence of pollen, presence of residue, weather, temperature, and humidity. Considering the significant sociocultural, ecological, and economic importance of stingless bees, in the face of increasing anthropogenic threats, it is necessary to emphasize and value their role in maintaining communities as the main pollinators of a large number of plant species in Brazil, the "indigenous bees". Consequently, it is sought to understand that they perform an even more important function in ecosystems.
Jataí bees, Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille 1811) (Hymenoptera, Apidae), is a bee with a reduced stinger, thus not performing the function of stinging, which is why they are known as "stingless bees". Additionally, many of these bees are also kept by indigenous communities throughout Brazil and are thus categorized as "indigenous bees". Sociability is one of the many remarkable characteristics of this bee, influencing the way it behaves and defends its nest. Being small, it is more docile and has low honey production, but with excellent quality since it is better adapted to pollination than other species. The objective of this study was to identify the factors that influence daily activity, inventory the conditions and hive management techniques of Jataí bees, and primarily inform and raise awareness about the importance of native honeybees and their cultivation. Therefore, the present study was conducted at the Center for Biological and Health Sciences (CCBS) of the Mackenzie Presbyterian University - Higienópolis Campus (SP) with the aim of evaluating the development of a Jataí bee colony. The research was carried out with a qualitative-quantitative approach focused on a descriptive study. Data were collected weekly regarding the hive, bee entrance/exit, presence of pollen, presence of residue, weather, temperature, and humidity. Considering the significant sociocultural, ecological, and economic importance of stingless bees, in the face of increasing anthropogenic threats, it is necessary to emphasize and value their role in maintaining communities as the main pollinators of a large number of plant species in Brazil, the "indigenous bees". Consequently, it is sought to understand that they perform an even more important function in ecosystems.
abelhas indígenas , atividade diária , ecologia comportamental , importância sociocultural , manejo de colmeia , native bees , daily activity , behavioral ecology , sociocultural importance , hive management