Serviço local de periodograma em GPU para detecção de trânsitos planetários
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Citações (Scopus)
Basile, Antonio Luiz
Valio, Adriana Benetti Marques
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Silveira, Ismar Frango
Castro, Carlos Guillermo Giménez de
Moreno, Jorge Luis Melendez
Stringhini, Denise
Castro, Carlos Guillermo Giménez de
Moreno, Jorge Luis Melendez
Stringhini, Denise
Ciências e Aplicações Geoespaciais
Understanding other stellar systems is crucial to a better knowledge of the Solar
System, as is the study of extrasolar planets orbiting the habitable zone of their host
star central to the understanding of the conditions that allowed life to develop on
our own planet. Presently there are thousands of confirmed planets, mostly detected
by the Kepler satellite as they eclipse their host star. This overload of data urges
an automatic data search for planetary transit detection within the stellar light
curves. Box-Fitting Least Squares (BLS) is a good candidate for this task due to
the intrinsic shape of the transiting light curve. Further improvement is obtained by
parallelization of the BLS according to the number of bins. Both the sequential and
parallel algorithms were applied to six chosen Kepler planetary systems (Kepler-7,
Kepler-418, Kepler-439, Kepler-511, Kepler-807, Kepler-943) and to different light
curve lengths. In all cases, speedup increased from 3 to 45 times as the number of
bins increased, because the performance of the sequential version degrades with an
increase in the number of bins, while remaining mainly constant for the parallel
version. For smaller planets with longer orbital periods, a large number of bins is
necessary to obtain the correct period detection.
periodograma , box fitting , detecção de exoplanetas , astroinformática , computação de alto desempenho
Assuntos Scopus
BASILE, Antonio Luiz. Serviço local de periodograma em GPU para detecção de trânsitos planetários. 2017. 89 f. Tese( Ciências e Aplicações Geoespaciais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.