Sistema de controle para aumento de eficiência energética em painéis fotovoltáicos
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Marques, André Garcia
Moura, Gabriel Eduardo Ferreira
Moura, Gabriel Eduardo Ferreira
Santos, Rodrigo Vieira
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Com a necessidade global de desenvolvimento de fontes de geração de energia
mais sustentáveis, foi estudado o efeito do uso de um protótipo móvel que
através da movimentação de painéis solares aumente a energia elétrica gerada.
Esse trabalho tem como objetivo comparar a eficiência energética de um painel
fotovoltaico horizontal com um painel acoplado a um sistema de movimento nos
dois eixos, azimute e zênite. Para o estudo de caso, foi construído uma estrutura
em madeira controlada por motores de passo e um microcontrolador Arduino.
Nesse estudo foi simulado computacionalmente o aproveitamento da radiação
solar em intervalos em que o ganho por movimento se torna máximo ao longo
do dia e uma previsão de ganho energético teórico durante cada dia do ano. Foi
observado o ganho energético do sistema móvel em dias em que a taxa de
irradiação solar direta estava mais alta, da forma que em dias nublados, o ganho
foi irrelevante.
As the global need to develop more sustainable power generation sources, the effect of the use of a mobile prototype that through the movement of solar panels increases the generated electric energy was studied. This work aims to compare 2 the energy efficiency of a horizontal photovoltaic panel with a panel coupled to a motion system in two axes, azimuth and zenith. For the study case, a wooden structure controlled by stepper motors and an Arduino microcontroller was built. In this study it was computationally simulated the use of solar radiation in intervals when the gain by movement becomes maximum throughout the day and a prediction of theoretical energy gain during each day of the year. The energy gain of the mobile system was observed on days when the direct solar radiation rate was higher, whereas on cloudy days, the gain was irrelevant.
As the global need to develop more sustainable power generation sources, the effect of the use of a mobile prototype that through the movement of solar panels increases the generated electric energy was studied. This work aims to compare 2 the energy efficiency of a horizontal photovoltaic panel with a panel coupled to a motion system in two axes, azimuth and zenith. For the study case, a wooden structure controlled by stepper motors and an Arduino microcontroller was built. In this study it was computationally simulated the use of solar radiation in intervals when the gain by movement becomes maximum throughout the day and a prediction of theoretical energy gain during each day of the year. The energy gain of the mobile system was observed on days when the direct solar radiation rate was higher, whereas on cloudy days, the gain was irrelevant.
arduino , energia solar , painel fotovoltaico , motor de passo , solar energy , photovoltaic panel , stepper motor