Porbióticos: seus efeitos biológicos e regulatórios
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Bistafa, Rafael
Pereira, Isabela Rosier Olimpio
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Os efeitos benéficos de determinados alimentos são conhecidos faz muito tempo, porém somente agora eles começaram a serem estudados, esses alimentos são conhecidos pelos seus efeitos nutricionais e seus benefícios para a saúde e mais recentemente cura de doenças. Uma classe de alimentos que será abordada neste trabalho são os probióticos, que são conhecidos principalmente pela sua função de regular a microbiota intestinal, que é composta por várias bactérias. Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre probióticos, características e efeitos fisiológicos, identificando quais cepas estão relacionadas a diversos efeitos observados. Os 2 principais gêneros de bactéria utilizados em alimentos funcionais probióticos são Lactobacillus e Bfidobacterium. Esses gêneros de bactérias utilizadas comumente nos probióticos tem vários efeitos biológicos como que são usados para tratamento de doenças como, Tratamento e prevenção de diarreia associada ao antibiótico, redução do colesterol, triglicerídeo e aumento do HDL, na inibição de bactérias nocivas, tratamento de diarreia, alergia, imunomodulação, glicemia, doença inflamatória intestinal. Também há estudos que indicam que os probióticos podem ser usados nos tratamentos de doenças como síndrome do intestino irritável, Doença de Parkinson, câncer, encefalopatia, depressão, diabetes e obesidade. A conclusão é que por meio dos mecanismos de ação das bactérias utilizadas nos probióticos, utilizando principalmente cepas de Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium e Bacteriodes, ficou evidenciado, significativas mudanças no metabolismo de substancias cancerígenas, diminuição de colesterol, efeito protetor do epitélio intestinal, impedindo bactérias patógenas se instalarem na microbiota intestinal, provocando a promoção do sistema imune por meio de mecanismo de ação que promove a produção de células T e promovem a produção de serotonina pela microbiota intestinal, hormônio muito utilizado para tratamento de depressão. Sendo assim foi evidenciado todos os benefícios e auxilio nos tratamentos das doenças citadas neste trabalho de conclusão de curso, através dos probióticos.
The beneficial effects of certain foods have been known for a long time, but only now they have started to be studied, these foods are known for their nutritional effects and their health benefits and more recently the cure of diseases. A class of foods that will be addressed in this work are probiotics, which are known mainly for their role in regulating the intestinal microbiota, which is composed of several bacteria. Thus, the objective of this work is to carry out a literature review on probiotics, characteristics and physiological effects, identifying which strains are related to different effects observed. The 2 main genera of bacteria used in probiotic functional foods are Lactobacillus and Bfidobacterium. These genera of bacteria commonly used in probiotics have various biological effects as they are used to treat diseases such as, treatment and prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, lowering cholesterol, triglycerides and raising HDL, in inhibiting bacteria. harmful, treatment of diarrhea, allergy, immunomodulation, glycemia, inflammatory bowel disease. There are also studies that indicate that probiotics can be used in the treatment of diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Parkinson's disease, cancer, encephalopathy, depression, diabetes and obesity. The conclusion is that through the mechanisms of action of the bacteria used in probiotics, using mainly strains of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Bacteriodes, showing significant changes in the metabolism of carcinogenic substances, cholesterol reduction, protective effect of the intestinal epithelium, preventing pathogenic bacteria from installing. In the intestinal microbiota, causes a promotion of the immune system through a mechanism of action that promotes the production of T cells and promotes the production of serotonin by the intestinal microbiota, a hormone widely used for the treatment of depression. Thus, it was evidenced all the benefits and treatments of possible diseases, through probiotics.
The beneficial effects of certain foods have been known for a long time, but only now they have started to be studied, these foods are known for their nutritional effects and their health benefits and more recently the cure of diseases. A class of foods that will be addressed in this work are probiotics, which are known mainly for their role in regulating the intestinal microbiota, which is composed of several bacteria. Thus, the objective of this work is to carry out a literature review on probiotics, characteristics and physiological effects, identifying which strains are related to different effects observed. The 2 main genera of bacteria used in probiotic functional foods are Lactobacillus and Bfidobacterium. These genera of bacteria commonly used in probiotics have various biological effects as they are used to treat diseases such as, treatment and prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, lowering cholesterol, triglycerides and raising HDL, in inhibiting bacteria. harmful, treatment of diarrhea, allergy, immunomodulation, glycemia, inflammatory bowel disease. There are also studies that indicate that probiotics can be used in the treatment of diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Parkinson's disease, cancer, encephalopathy, depression, diabetes and obesity. The conclusion is that through the mechanisms of action of the bacteria used in probiotics, using mainly strains of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Bacteriodes, showing significant changes in the metabolism of carcinogenic substances, cholesterol reduction, protective effect of the intestinal epithelium, preventing pathogenic bacteria from installing. In the intestinal microbiota, causes a promotion of the immune system through a mechanism of action that promotes the production of T cells and promotes the production of serotonin by the intestinal microbiota, a hormone widely used for the treatment of depression. Thus, it was evidenced all the benefits and treatments of possible diseases, through probiotics.
probióticos , alimentos funcionais , efeitos fisiológicos , bioativos , mecanismos de ação , probiotics , functional foods , physiological effects , bioactives , mechanisms of action