Síntese e caracterização de compósitos de polipropileno com nanocarga de nitreto de boro.
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Aleixo, Vanessa de Araujo
Ribeiro, Hélio
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Este estudo reporta a preparação de nanocompósitos a base de polipropileno (PP) e nitreto de boro hexagonal (h-BN) esfoliado como agente de reforço e a caracterização de suas propriedades termomecânicas por meio da técnica de análise dinâmico-mecânica (DMA). Os nanocompósitos foram produzidos com concentrações de 0,1% e 0,45% em massa de h-BN e preparados pelo processo de extrusão para fins comparativos com o polímero puro. Pela técnica utilizada, verificou-se um significativo aumento do módulo de armazenamento (E`) para a amostra contendo 0,45% em massa ao longo de toda faixa de temperatura estudada, quando comparada com a amostra contendo 0,1% em massa e o com o polímero puro. Devido ao fato da presença de h-BN ter aumentado o valor do módulo de armazenamento para esta concentração, sugere-se que ocorreu uma possível compatibilidade entre a matriz polimérica e a nanocarga nas condições estudadas, que refletiu na melhoria destas propriedades. No entanto, não foi possível estimar qual é a melhor faixa de concentração para a propriedade termomecânica estudada.
This study reports the nanocomposites preparation based on polypropylene (PP) and exfoliated hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) as a reinforcing agent and its thermomechanical properties characterization through the technique of dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA). The nanocomposites were produced with concentrations of 0.1wt% and 0.45wt% of h-BN and prepared by the extrusion process for comparative purposes with the pure polymer. By the technique used, there was a significant increase in the storage module (E`) for the sample containing 0.45wt% for the entire temperature range studied, when compared with the sample containing 0.1wt% and the pure polymer. Due to the fact that the presence of h-BN increased the value of the storage module for this concentration, it can be suggested that there was a possible compatibility between the polymeric matrix and the nanofillers under the studied conditions, that reflected in the improvement of these properties. However, it was not possible to estimate which is the best concentration range for these studied thermomechanical property.
This study reports the nanocomposites preparation based on polypropylene (PP) and exfoliated hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) as a reinforcing agent and its thermomechanical properties characterization through the technique of dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA). The nanocomposites were produced with concentrations of 0.1wt% and 0.45wt% of h-BN and prepared by the extrusion process for comparative purposes with the pure polymer. By the technique used, there was a significant increase in the storage module (E`) for the sample containing 0.45wt% for the entire temperature range studied, when compared with the sample containing 0.1wt% and the pure polymer. Due to the fact that the presence of h-BN increased the value of the storage module for this concentration, it can be suggested that there was a possible compatibility between the polymeric matrix and the nanofillers under the studied conditions, that reflected in the improvement of these properties. However, it was not possible to estimate which is the best concentration range for these studied thermomechanical property.
polipropileno , nitreto de boro hexagonal , compósito , polypropylene , hexagonal boron nitride , composite