Obtenção de filmes finos de níquel para uso em radioastronomia Terahertz
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Martins, Kevin Stefan Boszko
Bonturim, Everton
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A energia liberada pelos eventos solares pode causar grandes impactos na vida na terra, como interferências na comunicação, blecautes e riscos para astronautas e passageiros de voos comerciais. Boa parte dessa energia é emitida na forma de erupções solares que podem ser estudadas através da frequência de terahertz e sua análise pode auxiliar não só no estudo do comportamento solar e seu impacto na terra como também desenvolver tecnologias que amenizem seu impacto. Por isso esse projeto buscou a fabricação de um filme fino de Ni que atue como um filtro de ondas eletromagnéticas com comportamento espectroscópico de filtro passa-banda na faixa de Terahertz. Foi analisado a viabilidade do método LIGA, onde é realizado uma fotolitografia no substrato e em sequência uma eletrodeposição. A metodologia aplicada levou a criação de filmes finos de níquel homogêneos e de boa qualidade depositados sobre ouro e suportado em silício
The energy released by solar events may cause great impacts on life on earth, such as interference in communication, blackouts and risks to astronauts and passengers on commercial flights. Great part of its energy is released in the form of solar flares at the terahertz frequency and analyzing it can help not only the study of solar behavior and its impact on earth, but also in developing technologies that mitigate its impact. Therefore, this project sought to manufacture a Ni thin film that acts as an electromagnetic wave filter with band-pass spectroscopic behavior in the Terahertz range. The feasibility of the LIGA method was analyzed, where a photolithography is performed on the substrate, followed by electrodeposition. The applied methodology was able to create a homogeneous and good quality nickel films deposited on gold and supported on silicon.
The energy released by solar events may cause great impacts on life on earth, such as interference in communication, blackouts and risks to astronauts and passengers on commercial flights. Great part of its energy is released in the form of solar flares at the terahertz frequency and analyzing it can help not only the study of solar behavior and its impact on earth, but also in developing technologies that mitigate its impact. Therefore, this project sought to manufacture a Ni thin film that acts as an electromagnetic wave filter with band-pass spectroscopic behavior in the Terahertz range. The feasibility of the LIGA method was analyzed, where a photolithography is performed on the substrate, followed by electrodeposition. The applied methodology was able to create a homogeneous and good quality nickel films deposited on gold and supported on silicon.
Terahertz , filmes finos , eletrodeposição