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Sousa, Márcio Cordeiro de
Francisco Junior, Milton
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Este trabalho propõe um conceito de mobilidade urbana,
através da aplicação de veículos em sistema car sharing,
como alternativa de transporte individual urbano na cidade
de São Paulo, Brasil. O veículo proposto é elétrico,
para duas pessoas, possui maior quantidade de plástico na
sua construção e é menor que um carro convencional.
A locomoção é uma necessidade, seja para trabalho,
estudos ou lazer. Com o passar dos anos o homem
desenvolveu formas mais confortáveis e mais rápidas
de se locomover, porém, os grandes centros urbanos não
conseguem mais comportar tantos veículos em suas ruas.
O objetivo deste projeto é propor um veículo adaptado as
necessidades da sociedade dentro das atuais condições
da cidade de São Paulo.
This paper proposes an urban mobility concept, through the application of vehicles in car sharing system, as an alternative to private urban transport in São Paulo, Brazil. The proposed vehicle is electric, for two people, has a bigger amount of plastic in its construction and is smaller than a conventional car. Locomotion is a necessity, whether it is for work, study or leisure. Over the years, man developed more comfortable and faster ways of transport, however, the large urban centers cannot contain so many vehicles on its streets. The objective of this project is to propose a vehicle adapted to the needs of society within the current conditions of the city of São Paulo.
This paper proposes an urban mobility concept, through the application of vehicles in car sharing system, as an alternative to private urban transport in São Paulo, Brazil. The proposed vehicle is electric, for two people, has a bigger amount of plastic in its construction and is smaller than a conventional car. Locomotion is a necessity, whether it is for work, study or leisure. Over the years, man developed more comfortable and faster ways of transport, however, the large urban centers cannot contain so many vehicles on its streets. The objective of this project is to propose a vehicle adapted to the needs of society within the current conditions of the city of São Paulo.
Mobilidade , Centro urbano , Design , Veículo automotivo