Avaliação dos resultados da aplicação do telhado verde em grande escala na cidade de São Paulo
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Aranha, Pedro Augusto de Oliveira
Rondon, Thiago Levandoski
Gordo, Vitor Hugo Sanches da Silva
Rondon, Thiago Levandoski
Gordo, Vitor Hugo Sanches da Silva
Vadas, Rolando Gaal
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Com o desenvolvimento das cidades e o crescimento exponencial da construção civil, áreas verdes foram desaparecendo gradativamente gerando problemas como diminuição da qualidade do ar, criação de ilhas de calor e diminuição da permeabilidade do solo favorecendo as enchentes. Desta forma, o telhado verde, que são coberturas vegetais executadas sobre uma laje plana ou inclinada impermeabilizada tem ganhado cada vez mais visibilidade na construção civil, e é uma alternativa mais sustentável para os projetos realizados em grandes cidades podendo trazer benefícios significativos para os problemas mencionados, porém precisa ser mais explorada e desenvolvida. Este trabalho avalia as múltiplas vantagens diretas e indiretas da incorporação de telhados verdes em grande escala na cidade de São Paulo, incluindo os setores residencial, comercial e industrial, a partir da captação de dados de trabalhos já publicados e a aplicação dos mesmos em áreas obtidas por zoneamento da metrópole com o auxílio de softwares, detalhando os benefícios gerais e específicos em termos de preservação de recursos naturais e promoção da qualidade de vida para cada setor econômico que compõe esse grande centro populacional brasileiro.
With the development of cities and the exponential growth of civil construction, green areas were gradually disappeared, generating problems such as decreased air quality, creation of heat islands and decreased soil permeability favoring floods. Thus, the green roof which are vegetable coverings executed on waterproof slab flat or inclined, has gained more visibility in civil construction, and is a more sustainable alternative for projects carried out in large cities and can bring significant benefits to the problems mentioned, but it needs to be further explored and developed. This research aims to evaluate the multiple direct and indirect advantages of incorporating green roofs on a large scale in city of Sao Paulo, including the residential, commercial and industrial sectors, from the collection of data from works already published and their application in areas obtained by zoning the metropolis with help of software’s , detailing the general and specific benefits in terms of preserving natural resources and promoting the quality of life for each economic sector that makes up this great sector Brazilian population center.
With the development of cities and the exponential growth of civil construction, green areas were gradually disappeared, generating problems such as decreased air quality, creation of heat islands and decreased soil permeability favoring floods. Thus, the green roof which are vegetable coverings executed on waterproof slab flat or inclined, has gained more visibility in civil construction, and is a more sustainable alternative for projects carried out in large cities and can bring significant benefits to the problems mentioned, but it needs to be further explored and developed. This research aims to evaluate the multiple direct and indirect advantages of incorporating green roofs on a large scale in city of Sao Paulo, including the residential, commercial and industrial sectors, from the collection of data from works already published and their application in areas obtained by zoning the metropolis with help of software’s , detailing the general and specific benefits in terms of preserving natural resources and promoting the quality of life for each economic sector that makes up this great sector Brazilian population center.
telhado verde , sustentabilidade , cidade de São Paulo , green roof , sustainability , Sao Paulo city