Síntese de ligas à base de Cu-Ni-Ag de alta condutividade elétrica

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Luongo, Leilah Delaretti
Carrió, Juan Alfredo Guevara
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Terence, Mauro César
Santos, Denise Ribeiro dos
Engenharia de Materiais
In this work, samples of copper-silver and silver-copper-nickel alloys were synthesized by powder metallurgy. The alloys have received sintering and all of them were characterized metallographically. Different and significant effects were observed in the microstructure and conductivity of the samples studied. The influence of silver on the conductivity of the samples with nickel resulted to be lower than the alloy with chromium and nickel, studied in previous work of the research group, where the same procedures were applied to the same precursors. An interesting result is that the larger crystallite size favored the high electrical conductivity, which is presented in the samples without nickel. The presence of nickel helped to inhibit oxidation and the difference in the amount of nickel influenced the alloys behavior, however, it did not guarantee high conductivity observed in the aforementioned alloys copper-nickel-chromium. The structure of the samples was studied by the Rietveld Method, using data from x-ray diffraction. The differences in microstructure were investigated by comparing the parameters of the pure copper used as a precursor profile.
cobre-níquel-prata , metalurgia do pó , microestrutura , condutividade elétrica , silver-copper-nickel , powder metallurgy , microstructure , electrical conductivity
Assuntos Scopus
LUONGO, Leilah Delaretti. Síntese de ligas à base de Cu-Ni-Ag de alta condutividade elétrica. 2015. 95 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Materiais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2015.