Coberturas vacinais e sua relação com autonomia e educação
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Silva, Denise Martins e
Picinato, Eder de Carvalho
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Mesmo sendo inquestionável a importância e relevância das vacinas para a saúde pública, é possível perceber um decréscimo das coberturas vacinas em nível nacional. Segundo o Ministério da Saúde (2003), para que as coberturas vacinais possam ser alcançadas e mantidas, é imprescindível a participação da população, fato que não vem ocorrendo nos últimos anos o que traz consequências desastrosas para a saúde da população. As vacinas oferecidas pelo Programa Nacional de Imunizações (PNI), são um conjunto de propostas de interesse prioritário disponibilizados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde, sendo de caráter obrigatório e amparado pela lei, no qual todo o cidadão deve tomar as vacinas indicadas na caderneta de vacinação. De acordo com Sato (2018), no entanto, esta obrigatoriedade não é um fator determinante para que as pessoas se vacinem, isto mostra que as coberturas vacinais parecem estar mais relacionadas com uma cultura de imunização do que pela imposição legal. Devido ao decréscimo das coberturas vacinais, a prática de vacinação deve ser pensada como uma responsabilidade individual com as questões de liberdade, valor e autonomia tendo implicações diretas no corpo social. Portanto, o valor e importância acerca das vacinas pode sofrer alterações. De acordo com os gráficos da cobertura vacinal de 2018 disponibilizados pelo Ministério da Saúde para a cobertura vacinal contra o HPV, apenas 41,8% da população de meninas entre 9 e 14 e somente 12,7% dos meninos entre 11 a 14 anos foram vacinados, e apenas 61% da cobertura vacinal contra a febre amarela foi alcançada no país com grande variabilidade entre os diversos estados brasileiros.. A escola é uma das intuições sociais mais adequadas para ajudar nesta problemática das vacinações, ao trabalhar sobre o tema de vacinação como parte dos temas transversais em conjunto com a interdisciplinaridade, o processo de ensino e aprendizagem pode ser realizado de maneira mais contextualizada. Segundo Pupo e Rodrigues (2018), na concepção de Paulo Freire, o indivíduo é um ser inacabado e necessita da educação para auxiliar no seu processo de construção da autonomia e na capacidade de tomar decisões. Segundo Ceccin (2005), as problemáticas relacionadas a saúde devem ser analisadas de maneira contextualizada para que assim seja possível descobrir as complexidades existentes e as intervenções que devem ser realizadas, para que assim possam ser trabalhadas não de forma abstrata, mas sim de forma significativa por meio da educação.
Although the importance and relevance of vaccines for public health is unquestionable, it is possible to see a decrease in vaccine coverage at the national level. According to the Ministry of Health (2003), in order for vaccination coverage to be achieved and maintained, it is essential that the population participate, a fact that has not occurred in recent years, which has disastrous consequences for the health of the population. The vaccines offered by the National Immunization Program (PNI) are a set of proposals of priority interest made available by the Unified Health System, being mandatory and covered by the law, in which all citizens must take the vaccines indicated in the vaccination booklet . According to Sato (2018), however, this requirement is not a determining factor for people to be vaccinated, this shows that vaccination coverage seems to be more related to an immunization culture than to legal imposition. Due to the decrease in vaccination coverage, the practice of vaccination should be considered as an individual responsibility with questions of freedom, value and autonomy having direct implications in the social body. Therefore, the value and importance of vaccines may change. According to the 2018 vaccination coverage charts provided by the Ministry of Health for vaccine coverage against HPV, only 41.8% of the girls' population between 9 and 14 and only 12.7% of the boys between the ages of 11 and 14 were vaccinated, and only 61% of vaccine coverage against yellow fever was reached in the country with great variability among the different Brazilian states. The school is one of the most adequate social intuitions to help in this issue of vaccinations, when working on vaccination as part of the transversal themes in conjunction with interdisciplinarity, the teaching and learning process can be carried out in a more contextualized way. According to Pupo and Rodrigues (2018), in the conception of Paulo Freire, the individual is an unfinished being and needs education to assist in its process of building autonomy and in the ability to make decisions. According to Ceccin (2005), the problems related to health should be analyzed in a contextualized way so that it is possible to discover the existing complexities and the interventions that must be performed, so that they can be worked in an abstract way, but in a significant way through education.
Although the importance and relevance of vaccines for public health is unquestionable, it is possible to see a decrease in vaccine coverage at the national level. According to the Ministry of Health (2003), in order for vaccination coverage to be achieved and maintained, it is essential that the population participate, a fact that has not occurred in recent years, which has disastrous consequences for the health of the population. The vaccines offered by the National Immunization Program (PNI) are a set of proposals of priority interest made available by the Unified Health System, being mandatory and covered by the law, in which all citizens must take the vaccines indicated in the vaccination booklet . According to Sato (2018), however, this requirement is not a determining factor for people to be vaccinated, this shows that vaccination coverage seems to be more related to an immunization culture than to legal imposition. Due to the decrease in vaccination coverage, the practice of vaccination should be considered as an individual responsibility with questions of freedom, value and autonomy having direct implications in the social body. Therefore, the value and importance of vaccines may change. According to the 2018 vaccination coverage charts provided by the Ministry of Health for vaccine coverage against HPV, only 41.8% of the girls' population between 9 and 14 and only 12.7% of the boys between the ages of 11 and 14 were vaccinated, and only 61% of vaccine coverage against yellow fever was reached in the country with great variability among the different Brazilian states. The school is one of the most adequate social intuitions to help in this issue of vaccinations, when working on vaccination as part of the transversal themes in conjunction with interdisciplinarity, the teaching and learning process can be carried out in a more contextualized way. According to Pupo and Rodrigues (2018), in the conception of Paulo Freire, the individual is an unfinished being and needs education to assist in its process of building autonomy and in the ability to make decisions. According to Ceccin (2005), the problems related to health should be analyzed in a contextualized way so that it is possible to discover the existing complexities and the interventions that must be performed, so that they can be worked in an abstract way, but in a significant way through education.
vacina , HPV , vacinação , campanha , coberturas vacinais , educação em saúde , autonomia , liberdade , axiologia e temas transversais , vaccine , yellow fever , vaccination , campaign , vaccine coverage , health education , autonomy , freedom , axiology and transversal themes