O coping religioso-espiritual no processo do luto em pessoas que perderam entes queridos para o suicídio

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Sbizera, Carmem Lúcia Giacomeli Aoki
Bitun, Ricardo
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Lopes, Cristiano Camilo
Ciências da Religião
The present study dealt with religious-spiritual coping in the process of mourning in people who lost loved ones to suicide. For this, the science of religion was approached initially in its conceptual, historical aspect, its relation with other disciplines and the psychology. In the sequel, we addressed the specific question of suicide as to its definition, history, approaches and how this may be an irreparable loss. Finally, he went specifically to Coping (religious), clarifying what this instrument is about, its historical aspect, the strategies involved and the scales of evaluation and, finally, how it is used in the specific case of mourning. As a methodological procedure to substantiate each of the topics developed, a bibliographical research was carried out on secondary materials composed of books, academic scientific works and specialized websites that enabled to answer the proposed objective that was to evaluate the role of religious-spiritual coping in the process of mourning in people who have lost loved ones to suicide. Finally, it was concluded that religious coping is a valuable tool, since it helps to maintain the emotional balance at the time of mourning, since it allows for an emotional rebalancing through psychological strategies based on religion, helping the individual to avoid, control, mitigate or support factors of the stress caused by mourning, resuming their normal rhythm of life.
coping religioso , suicídio , luto
Assuntos Scopus
SBIZERA, Carmem Lúcia Giacomeli Aoki. O coping religioso-espiritual no processo do luto em pessoas que perderam entes queridos para o suicídio. 2019. 89 f. Dissertação (Ciências da Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.