Inspeção de manifestações patológicas em fachadas utilizando aeronaves remotamente pilotadas
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Oliveira, Aline Alves de
Graças, Gabriel Medeiros das
Lopes, Larissa Kely
Rezende, Paulo Henrique Filgueiras
Graças, Gabriel Medeiros das
Lopes, Larissa Kely
Rezende, Paulo Henrique Filgueiras
Pamboukian, Sergio Vicente Denser
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A história da humanidade sempre foi marcada por revoluções, não diferente disso, atualmente o mundo está passando por uma nova revolução onde se destaca a necessidade da otimização do tempo. A fim de suprir tal necessidade a demanda por inserção tecnológica nos processos industriais, notadamente, as aeronaves remotamente pilotadas (RPA – Remotely Piloted Aircraft), ou drones, estão tendo crescente destaque como nova ferramenta para a obtenção de dados em diversos segmentos da engenharia dentre eles nas inspeções prediais, tornando os processos investigativos em edificações, mais ágeis e seguros. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o desempenho das aeronaves remotamente pilotadas quando utilizadas como ferramenta de identificação de manifestações patológicas em fachadas. A metodologia contemplou a realização de um estudo de caso de caráter exploratório descritivo realizado através da promoção de entrevistas com empresas do ramo de inspeção predial em que foram examinadas questões como mão de obra, custo, precisão, vantagens e desvantagens entre os métodos alpinismo industrial e drones. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que há a viabilidade técnica, agilidade da inspeção, o baixo custo quando comparado ao alpinismo, minimização de riscos de acidentes, demonstrando a efetividade na utilização de aeronaves no processo de inspeção e detecção de manifestações patológicas em diversos tipos de revestimento e condições de trabalho. Como principal contribuição, têm-se a análise comparativa e exploratória das aeronaves remotamente pilotadas como método para a inspeção predial, onde declarou-se as vantagens e desvantagens deste método em relação ao comumente utilizado (alpinismo industrial).
The history of humanity has always been marked by revolutions, no different from that, today the world is going through a new revolution where the need to optimize time stands out. In order to overcome this need, the demand for technological insertion in industrial processes, especially the Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), or "drones", are being increasingly highlighted as a new tool for obtaining data in various segments of engineering among them in building inspections, making the investigative processes in buildings more agile and safe. This article aims to analyze the performance of remotely piloted aircraft when used as a tool to identify pathological manifestations in facades. The methodology contemplated the realization of a case study of descriptive exploratory character carried out through the promotion of interviews with companies in the field of building inspection in which questions such as labor, cost, precision, advantages and disadvantages between the industrial mountaineering methods and drones were examined. The results of the research indicate that there is technical feasibility, agility of inspection, low cost when compared to industrial climbing, minimization of accident risks, demonstrating the effectiveness in the use of aircraft in the inspection process and detection of pathological manifestations in various types of coating and working conditions. As the main contribution, there is the comparative and exploratory analysis of remotely piloted aircraft as a method for building inspection, where the advantages and disadvantages of this method in relation to the commonly used (industrial climbing).
The history of humanity has always been marked by revolutions, no different from that, today the world is going through a new revolution where the need to optimize time stands out. In order to overcome this need, the demand for technological insertion in industrial processes, especially the Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), or "drones", are being increasingly highlighted as a new tool for obtaining data in various segments of engineering among them in building inspections, making the investigative processes in buildings more agile and safe. This article aims to analyze the performance of remotely piloted aircraft when used as a tool to identify pathological manifestations in facades. The methodology contemplated the realization of a case study of descriptive exploratory character carried out through the promotion of interviews with companies in the field of building inspection in which questions such as labor, cost, precision, advantages and disadvantages between the industrial mountaineering methods and drones were examined. The results of the research indicate that there is technical feasibility, agility of inspection, low cost when compared to industrial climbing, minimization of accident risks, demonstrating the effectiveness in the use of aircraft in the inspection process and detection of pathological manifestations in various types of coating and working conditions. As the main contribution, there is the comparative and exploratory analysis of remotely piloted aircraft as a method for building inspection, where the advantages and disadvantages of this method in relation to the commonly used (industrial climbing).
RPA , drone , inspeção predial , manifestações patológicas em fachadas , patologia das construções , alpinismo industrial , building inspection , pathological manifestations on facades , pathology of buildings , industrial climbing