Comportamento mecânico de concreto com a adição de escória de chumbo para uso como concreto pesado
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Garcia, Caroline Araujo
Abrarpour, Giovanna
Bigongiari, Sophia Amaral Galozzi
Wertheim, Thomas Junior Vila
Abrarpour, Giovanna
Bigongiari, Sophia Amaral Galozzi
Wertheim, Thomas Junior Vila
Franzin, Roberta Nunes Attili
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Diante da intensa exploração dos recursos naturais e geração de resíduos, por vários setores industriais, torna-se importante a busca por práticas mais sustentáveis para a construção civil. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as propriedades físicas e mecânicas de um traço de concreto produzido com a adição de escória de chumbo, resíduo decorrente do processo de reciclagem de baterias chumbo-ácido, a fim de verificar sua viabilidade de uso como concreto pesado. Inicialmente foram avaliadas a composição química da escória, bem como sua granulometria e massa unitária. Os resultados obtidos indicaram a substituição do agregado miúdo (areia) pela escória, no concreto. Foram produzidos quatro traços utilizando cimento Portland V-ARI, por não conter adições em sua composição: um traço convencional de concreto (traço de controle), um traço convencional de concreto supostamente pesado para fins de comparação e dois traços de concreto com a substituição de 30% e 50% da areia pela escória de chumbo. Para todos os traços foram determinadas as massas específicas e resistência à compressão para as idades 7, 14 e 28 dias. Para os corpos de prova na idade de 28 dias foram realizados também ensaios de absorção de água. Os traços com a escória de chumbo não atingiram a resistência mínima de 20 MPa, definida em norma. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a incorporação da escória de chumbo no concreto não conferiu a ele as características necessárias para uso como concreto pesado de acordo com as normas, mas não excluem a possibilidade de uso desse concreto para outras finalidades.
Given the intense exploitation of natural resources and waste generation by various industrial sectors, it is important to seek more sustainable practices for civil construction. This work aimed to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of a concrete trace produced with the addition of lead slag, residue resulting from the recycling process of lead-acid batteries, in order to verify its viability of use as heavy concrete. Initially, the chemical composition of the slag was evaluated, as well as its granulometry and unit mass. The results indicated the substitution of the kid aggregate (sand) by the slag in the concrete. Four traces were produced using Portland V-ARI cement, because it did not contain additions in its composition: a conventional trace of concrete (control trace), a conventional trace of supposedly heavy concrete for comparison purposes and two traces of concrete with the replacement of 30% and 50% of the sand by lead slag. For all traits, specific masses and compressive strength were determined for ages 7, 14 and 28 days. For the specimens at the age of 28 days, water absorption tests were also performed. The traces with lead slag did not reach the minimum resistance of 20 MPa, defined as standard. The results showed that the incorporation of lead slag in concrete did not give it the characteristics necessary for use as heavy concrete according to the standards but does not exclude the possibility of using this concrete for other purposes.
Given the intense exploitation of natural resources and waste generation by various industrial sectors, it is important to seek more sustainable practices for civil construction. This work aimed to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of a concrete trace produced with the addition of lead slag, residue resulting from the recycling process of lead-acid batteries, in order to verify its viability of use as heavy concrete. Initially, the chemical composition of the slag was evaluated, as well as its granulometry and unit mass. The results indicated the substitution of the kid aggregate (sand) by the slag in the concrete. Four traces were produced using Portland V-ARI cement, because it did not contain additions in its composition: a conventional trace of concrete (control trace), a conventional trace of supposedly heavy concrete for comparison purposes and two traces of concrete with the replacement of 30% and 50% of the sand by lead slag. For all traits, specific masses and compressive strength were determined for ages 7, 14 and 28 days. For the specimens at the age of 28 days, water absorption tests were also performed. The traces with lead slag did not reach the minimum resistance of 20 MPa, defined as standard. The results showed that the incorporation of lead slag in concrete did not give it the characteristics necessary for use as heavy concrete according to the standards but does not exclude the possibility of using this concrete for other purposes.
concreto , concreto pesado , escória de chumbo , sustentabilidade , concrete , heavy concrete , lead slag , sustainability